Hrothgar's Hoard
3 months ago

Project Update: GAMA Update

I had a full day at GAMA today. Lots of meetings. Marketing, marketing, branding, marketing....

I even met with a marketing company: The Marketing Clerics. They are a business that focuses on marketing companies in the geek realm. I'm definitely going to look into them further. One of the hardest things about running a business is that there are just too many hats to wear. I'm good at a few things. But others....not so much. And it takes time away from the things that I am good at. So one of the big things I need to start doing is outsourcing certain parts of my job so I can concentrate on the things that I do well.

One other seminar I attended had to do with starting a local convention. I've been thinking of this since COVID and it was interesting in getting a viewpoint from someone who has done that many times before. As you may know, I'm from Athens, Ohio and any convention there would be by definition a small one, but I think it would be fun to have something close to home that helps spread gaming in our community. We have a weekly game at the local Library...about 15 of us play at a couple different tables. And there is a local book store that has been trying to expand their gaming footprint. It could be worthwhile (although probably not profitable) to try to start something that has a chance of growing in the community.

That is something that I've thought a lot about over the years. I'm in my 50s and spent many years coaching softball when my kids were young. I even coached at the local high school for  a few years. I did this mostly because I wanted to be a part of something more.  After the kids left for college and I got out of coaching, I've been looking for something to replace that feeling. That was about when we started playing D&D at the library. I think organizing (or helping organizing) a local con might help with that desire. 

In any case, today was a pretty good day. Even though there is open gaming tonight, I'm probably in for the night.  More tomorrow.




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