Project Update: Seagull and Kakapo available
Good evening, jailbirds.
Short update incoming, a family issue is taking me away from writing anything funny today. But, I promised. Let's keep this short and sweet.
I have sent off BIRD CRIMES proofs to the factory for a final quote and a sample to test the finicky sepia tones and their added white tints.
Even with all our stretch goals, freebies, and packaging included, fulfilling all pledges as purchased would not even amount to 25% of raised funds.
Manufacturing estimates were based on industry standard for similar pins, and were laughably high compared to what I am actually paying. Including my half of the Pintopia freebies, the vinyl sticker sheet, and shipping supplies, our actual fund usage for BIRD CRIMES would be just below $3000. This would include about 400 stock pins, too. Labor, of course, also costs money, but not $10,000 money.
In the spirit of complete transparency, I do not feel this is fair when we had some much-hyped designs that are technically not available yet. So, I'm making them available.
The KAKAPO and SEAGULL crimes will be available as choices during the backer survey.
Short update incoming, a family issue is taking me away from writing anything funny today. But, I promised. Let's keep this short and sweet.
I have sent off BIRD CRIMES proofs to the factory for a final quote and a sample to test the finicky sepia tones and their added white tints.
Even with all our stretch goals, freebies, and packaging included, fulfilling all pledges as purchased would not even amount to 25% of raised funds.
Manufacturing estimates were based on industry standard for similar pins, and were laughably high compared to what I am actually paying. Including my half of the Pintopia freebies, the vinyl sticker sheet, and shipping supplies, our actual fund usage for BIRD CRIMES would be just below $3000. This would include about 400 stock pins, too. Labor, of course, also costs money, but not $10,000 money.
In the spirit of complete transparency, I do not feel this is fair when we had some much-hyped designs that are technically not available yet. So, I'm making them available.
The KAKAPO and SEAGULL crimes will be available as choices during the backer survey.
Backers will be able to select either of these designs for pins and MUGSHOTS stickers.
Surveys are expected on-schedule, if early. I am waiting until the 23rd to send smoke tests to wait for some declined cards to be fixed.
United Kingdom backers should be getting emails between tonight and Monday.
Thanks, jailbirds. Take it easy. Happy Friday.
Surveys are expected on-schedule, if early. I am waiting until the 23rd to send smoke tests to wait for some declined cards to be fixed.
United Kingdom backers should be getting emails between tonight and Monday.
Thanks, jailbirds. Take it easy. Happy Friday.