about 1 month ago

Project Update: Survey and preorder store updates!

Happy Friday critters! I hope everyone has a restful weekend planned and can take the time to do something just for you 💖

I'm looking forward to taking a little break myself, and with prep on the surveys and preorder store almost finished it looks like that might actually happen this weekend haha. The rest of this week was almost entirely dedicated to getting the preorder store set up, which took A LOT more work than I anticipated! We have over 90 unique SKUs for shirts alone so to say it was tedious is a tremendous understatement.

The good news is the preorder store is now live! And surveys are 95% done, I'm just waiting on the backerkit team to do some last minute finagling on their end to get the bundle add-ons working. This can take up to 5 business days, so I'm tentatively planning for surveys to go out on May 5th.

In the meantime if you'd like to look over all the available items and see the size charts for each style of shirt, feel free to check out the preorder store!

Please remember if you already backed the project, do not place a preorder through the store. 

Your orders will not combine and you'll be charged twice for shipping if you do so. Wait for the add-on section on your survey!

Charmsey is chipping away the last few collab illustrations and should have the final artwork finished before surveys go out. Below is the latest WIP for the sweater--  doesn't it just get cuter and cuter? 🥹

I've also ordered the rest of the samples for the button-ups! The next batch of samples should all have pockets and customized button colors.

And finally I'll be paying for the pin and shaker samples next week, so I should have a pretty steady stream of things to share with you over the next couple months, yay! 
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