Peter Chiykowski
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Final 24 hours, final stretch goal, final pin, FINAL COUNTDOWN!

Hello backers!

Whoo, what a whirlwind of a campaign it's been!

We're heading into the final 24 hours and we've unlocked all but the FINAL stretch goal: the Nat 1 Smackdown pin (by special guest Shen)!

I'm especially excited to unlock this design because Shen designed the shape to pair with the little 1 HP "Still Good" guy! In fact, all 3 of his pins tell a little story of a guy who calculated that he was going to get hit, and then did!

I would love to unlock this design before the campaign wraps up so we can produce all 25 designs!

There are a few things you can do help us get there:
  • Share the campaign link on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, or wherever fine D&D memes are found: ttps://
  • Check out the add-ons, which include collapsible dice towers and books.
  • Increase your pledge. Now that we've unlocked so many pins, there's a TON OF VALUE in the $150 pledge level for 10 pins (which includes free US, UK, and Canadian shipping) and the $295 ALL THE PINS pledge level (which includes free worldwide shipping). See all pledge levels here!

It's a great way to pick up all the holiday gifts you'll ever need for your gaming group for a great price!

By the way, I just realized that there was a pricing error on the 3 pin add-on, which was was supposed to be priced at $45 like the 3-pin pledge level. That's now been updated!

Lastly, I wanted to share a few D&D-themed comics I worked on with my frequent webcomic collaborator Aaron Lenk! Back in 2021 we sketched out some ideas for a comic about dice playing D&D in their spare time, and I thought I'd share a few of the test strips we worked on!

Thanks so much for all your support heading into the final hours!




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