Peter Chiykowski
about 2 months ago

Project Update: 2 Weeks Left, 2 Stretch Goals Left + Highlighting Weird Works + D&D Comics

Hi Backers,

We're only one week into the campaign and we've already unlocked all but 2 pin designs. Amazing!

Thank you for your support and enthusiasm, and to everyone who has been helping spread the word!

If you'd like to help continue boosting the signal, you can share the launch announcements on Twitter and Facebook!

I'm particularly excited to reach the Nat 1 Luck Smash pin because it's designed to work on its own OR pair with the 1 HP "Still Good" pin Shen designed!

In other news, I wanted to highlight another pin project I thought you'd all like: Let's Get Weird Pins by Weird Works!

I've been browsing through Pintopia and discovering so many lovely projects, and I found these pins to be both UTTERLY DELIGHTFUL and also OF INTEREST TO TTRPG FANS! The designs are by Bee Ho of Weird Works, a tabletop games and accessories company based in Seattle and LA.

Please go check out their project! The Goblin Mode pin is especially wonderful because it has a built-in slider.

Also, please check out my pin cross-collab partner David Malki of Wondermark! If you pledge both our projects you'll get a freebie pin from each of us!

Lastly, I wanted to leave you with the finished version of the comics I drew during the launch livestream!

And then this little number, which began as a notebook concept so stupid I just had to draw it:

Thanks so much for following along, and thanks for helping me unlock 23 of 25 pins! ❤️❤️❤️
Goal: $16,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Goal: $18,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Goal: $20,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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