Restoration Games
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: Main Goal Complete ... But the Game's Not Over Yet -- Post-Campaign Process and Timeline

Let's start here: WOW!

When we decided to launch this campaign on BackerKit, a new crowdfunding platform, a lot of folks raised an eyebrow. It was a risk, to be sure. But we had a lot of faith in the BackerKit team, and they put up a heroic effort throughout the campaign indeed. But mostly we had a lot of faith in you, our fans. And you all blew us away with your energy, passion, and support for this project and this game. $2 million and 17,000 backers is an impressive achievement by any measure. So, all we can say is:

What To Expect From Here

Now that the campaign is over, here is the general timeline until the games get into your hands.

  • BackerKit will start processing your pledges with the credit cards on file. This can take up to two weeks. If your card fails, they will automatically attempt to rerun it. However, you can contact BackerKit support if you have any specific issues you need addressed.
  • Simultaneously, we will be opening the pre-order store for late pledges for folks who missed the campaign.
  • After the pledges are processed, they will be imported into the pledge manager. In the pledge manager, you will be able to finalize your order by upgrading to a different pledge level, adding add-ons, and the like.
  • The pledge manager and pre-order store will remain open for just a few weeks, most likely closing in September, so we can maintain an aggressive production schedule and stick to our fulfillment timeline.
  • We expect production to start in December and fulfillment to start in July.

As always, we'll continue to provide updates here as we move through the process, including finalized components and the like. Thanks again for your support.




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