Justin D. Jacobson (Board Game Necromancer)
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: Pledge Manager and Pre-Order Store Are Live! (Also, Coins!)

The smoke test was a resounding success. Today, we will start sending out surveys to all backers. Due to the large number of backers, we will be sending these out in waves, and it will take awhile to send out that many emails. So, please be patient if you don't get your email right away (and please double-check your spam folder before reaching out to us).

For our returning backers, your checkout experience will be familiar. This is BackerKit's regular pledge manager platform. If you're new to the system, this update should give you all the information you need to complete your survey. It's a lot of information, and it can be a bit complicated in places, so please read carefully. And refer back to this update (or send other folks here) if there are questions.

In short, your BackerKit pledge manager experience has two parts. You'll complete a short survey. Then you'll finalize your order, enter your shipping address, and enter your payment information. This second half is just like shopping at a regular webstore like Amazon. Items included in your pledge level are already in your "cart", and the money you pledged in crowdfunding campaign is already in your "account". You'll "shop" for additional items and "spend"  your money.

If you have any problems completing your survey in BackerKit, please contact their support staff. They have excellent support and should be able to answer all of your questions. Please do not contact us about problems with your survey. It's not that we want to ignore you. Rather, it's important that we have one channel for dealing with survey issues so we don't miss anything and can have good visibility on any recurring problems. Rest assured, if BackerKit can't handle whatever issue you're having, they will, in turn, contact us, and we'll step in at that point.

If you have a problem, click on the "Need help?" link on your survey.

Your items and funds from the Crowdfunding campaign will already be in the pledge manager. BackerKit imports all of the data from campaign. So whatever items are included in the pledge level you backed at will already be in your cart in pledge manager. Likewise, the money you pledged in the campaign will already be in your account. If you are not adding anything beyond what's already included in your pledge level and you included all of the necessary funds in your campaign pledge, you can just check out. You will see any shipping charges added at that time.

You can upgrade your pledge level. If you backed at a lower pledge level, such as "Pledge Manager Access", you can upgrade your pledge to a higher pledge level, such as "Covenant Deluxe" or "Azkol's Bounty". You can upgrade your pledge level in one of two ways. The easiest way is on the very first screen of your survey, where you'll see a small link to "switch your pledge level".

Alternatively, you can do it by clicking on the name of your pledge level on the survey questions screens. This will take you to a pop-up with your pledge information with another link to "switch pledge levels".

You can add items to your order if you want to. If you want to get add-ons, you need to add them on the Add-Ons page. This is where you can add the individual expansions, sleeves, skull packs, etc. You can also use this screen to order multiple copies of things, such as an extra copy of the game if you want to give it as a gift. This page is for adding stuff to your order, not upgrading your pledge. IMPORTANT: You cannot add an item that is included with a higher pledge level than yours. For example, you cannot back at the Covenant pledge level and add a copy of the base game as an add-on. You would need to switch your pledge level to one that includes the base game.

If you got the free advantage tracking tokens pack, it will already be in your cart. You will see the "Set of 10 Advantage Tracking Tokens" in the add-ons section of your cart. If you believe you were supposed to get it for free and it is not in your cart, please contact BackerKit customer service, and they will assist you. (Reminder: You are supposed to get the tokens for free if you signed up for notification on the special sign-up page.)

We decided to manufacture more coins. We had originally limited the coins to what we had left over from the original campaign. However, we basically sold out of that stock in the smoke test. I didn't realize how popular these items are, and I knew folks would be disappointed if they didn't get a chance to add them. Therefore, we have removed the inventory and ordering restrictions with plans to do a new run of them. So, you will be able to add as many coins as you like to your order. If you were part of the smoke test and wanted to order more than one, you should be able to go in and add more to your order now.

We will leave the pledge manager open for about a month. You will get notification from BackerKit when the date approaches. Until we lock down the surveys, you can continue to go back in and make changes to your order, such as adding or removing items or changing your payment method.

We will run the credit cards after we lock down surveys. This will likely be within 48 hours after we lock down the surveys. These charges will only be for anything you added on and for the shipping charges. If you want us to run your credit card sooner for some reason, please contact BackerKit customer service, and they will be able to do that manually.

You can change your address up until we are ready to ship. Don't worry if you end up moving from your current shipping address. You can continue to go back into your survey and update your shipping address right up until the game is ready to ship.

Retailers have a few changes from these instructions. If you are a verified retailer under the "Authorized Retailers Only" pledge level, per the retailer terms, we will not run your credit cards until the games are ready to leave the factory. Please remember that you may not offer the game for sale for online customers until after the pledge manager and pre-order store are closed. We will notify you of all these dates before they happen.

I know this can seem like a lot to take in, but don't worry. It's not as bad as it sounds when you're reading it. And, most importantly, like I said at the top, BackerKit has excellent customer service and will be able to help you if you have any problems.





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