Justin D. Jacobson (Board Game Necromancer)
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: Pledge Manager Progress - We're Shipping to How Many Countries!?

The pledge manager seems to be running smoothly. Things are relatively quiet, and that's a good thing in this part of the process. We expect to keep the pledge manager open until mid- to late October, and will run credit cards approximately 48 hours after we close the pledge manager. We'll have a more definitive date in the next week or two. (Also, reminder for our retailer backers, we will not charge you until the games are getting ready to leave the factory, which will be several months down the road.)

If you have any trouble finding your survey, you can head to the handy survey recovery page HERE.

In the meantime, we're continuing to put the finishing touches on all the components. Final art is coming in for some of cards. We're getting ready for our "card council", which is a final editing pass on all of the game effects for clarify and consistency. And we're making some more refinements to the monument sculpts to make them as cool as possible. I'll post some of these final versions as we progress through the manufacturing process.

And finally, we get some cool stats in our BackerKit dashboard, and this infographic really stood out to me, so I thought I'd share. One of the things I love best about crowdfunding is how we can get our games to folks all across the globe that might never otherwise have a chance to experience them. It gives me a great sense of community and connection. And we're still only about 75% through survey completion.





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