Latest from the Creator
Weird Giraffe Games
4 months ago
Shipping Continues!
Let us know if you haven't gotten all of your items by February 28th Remember how we said to let us know at the end of January if you haven't received your packages? Well... som...
Weird Giraffe Games
5 months ago
Shipping Nearly Complete!
Shipping is nearly complete! If you completed your pledge manager after mid-November, your game will be in the second wave of shipments. I'm also still in the process of getting...
Weird Giraffe Games
6 months ago
Nearly Shipped!
There's been a few delays but shipping is going to start so soon! In fact, if you ordered add-ons, you might have things on the way already! Turns out, not much happens during E...
Weird Giraffe Games
9 months ago
Dreams of Yesterday Pledge Manager Information
Pledge Manager  Soon, you’ll receive an email with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since I need this in...
Weird Giraffe Games
11 months ago
June Update
The proof copy came in! I've been making fixes and running unguided playtests to make sure the rules and components are clear. One aspect that took longer than expected was ...
Weird Giraffe Games
about 1 year ago
May Update
Things have been moving along with Dreams of Yesterday! I submitted the files to manufacturing and they've made the proof copy. They sent along some photos, too!   Manuf...

I just received the "Dreams of Tomorrow" (DoT) game along with the DoT - Awaken expansion cards taped to the top of the DoT game box. But I also paid for the "Dreams of Yesterday" game with promo pack, which was not included in this shipment. Will that be shipped separately?

user avatar image for ✨Beth Jackson (She/Her)




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Just wondering where we are with this, 2 months without an update and you were hoping to have started shipping by now.

user avatar image for ✨Beth Jackson (She/Her)




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When we print, do we flip on the long or the short edge?

user avatar image for ✨Beth Jackson (She/Her)




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Is it possible to get an update on your projects, this one and Explosion in the Laboratory, since they both should be shipped together? There is silence all the way and I would like to know where my money went!





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Soooo... This is a topic that should be covered, needs to be covered. And while I feel like I'm far from the right person to explore it, and don't have the time to get it covered by someone more knowledgeable, I'll do my best here. That's all any of us can do, really, is try our best :D

Chelsea, another Weird Giraffe Games team member, pointed me to this article from The New York Times. It isn't super long, but it does explore the topic well: while many museum artifacts have been discovered, purchased, and traded for ethically, many more haven't. Graves have been robbed, people have been attacked, items have been stolen, and others have been claimed through threats.

It's so weird, too, because some of the things people are quoted as saying are: "If we give these things back, our museums will be half-empty!" Which, like... yep! That's true! But just because something happened in the past doesn't make the people who still have these objects innocent. "Not the One" by The Offspring comes to mind here: "Still our descendants will inherit our mistakes of today." 

Is having stuff protected behind glass for people to see more important than returning stolen property and giving things back after people have been threatened, attacked, and killed? Things that these people would have to pay to see themselves?

Imagine if something really precious to someone you loved (even if that person is you!) were stolen from you after you were beaten and robbed, or if a family member's grave was dug up and their coffin ripped open, their bones scattered and broken. Now imagine if those things were put behind glass, with a short little description about it placed there, and the only way you could ever see it again was to go to some building far away (maybe even a different building every few months or years as the item moves between museums) and look at it through that glass.

Again, I'm sure I'm not doing this anywhere near the justice it deserves. The fact that I have to imagine and come up with nigh-impossible situations to even relate this much makes me incredibly privileged. And this isn't something that suddenly stopped in the past, it's still going on today.

I didn't design Dreams of Yesterday, nor did I develop it, write the rulebook, or anything else... but I personally see Dreams of Yesterday as obtaining these artifacts the right way. You use money, knowledge, and prestige to get things, not threats, violence, or subterfuge. And the goal of the game is to fix/improve the future by illustrating the lessons and artifacts of the past, which cannot be done by force. After all, whatever terrible future is coming for humanity, it's likely due to our own atrocities and awfulness. Heck, even if it's not, the only way we'll overcome that is by working together! Building the foundation of unity on theft, assault, and other atrocities will never work. 

Note: I'm sure there are museums out there that are lovely and don't hold artifacts gathered unethically. I'm not saying all museums are bad. In fact, basing Dreams of Yesterday on museums is awesome if you ask me! I 100% agree with the importance of learning from and studying the past, and being able to see those actual objects is incredibly powerful. But a part of that power comes from the fact that they were important to people, or an example of something that was ordinary back then but unique and special today. 




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Any chance there are more Dreams of Tomorrow copies kicking around? I wanted to add one, but couldn't do so.





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Carla pointed out that the artifacts in Dreams of Yesterday are two-word alliterations: Astonishing Antiquities, Bygone Bones, Cultural Curiosities, Diverse Discoveries, and Unusual Urns

Carla also came up with "Fantastic Fauna" and "Explosive Experiments", and I think I like Friendly Fishies (for an aquarium spinoff!), Galactic Garments (or ✨Glittery Garments✨), and Interesting Instruments.

What additional alliterations would be good for artifact types?




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Here are the links for tomorrow night's streams. Going to play Dreams of Tomorrow followed by Dreams of Yesterday.





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I'd love to know what your favorite game that involves time travel is!

You want to know mine? Future me told me that you'd ask that, omg she was right! I knew I should've written down those lotto numbers she rattled off...

I honestly don't think present-me has played a tabletop game involving time travel! I've heard of some and seen some Rahdo Runthroughs and stuff but I can't remember playing any...

As for video games, well, that's easy --> Bioshock: Infinite!

The Lutece twins capture so much of the funkiness of time travel so well, but the whole story and concept do a beautiful job with it. I've played it through twice and even listened to a playthrough video once at work to listen to the story lol. Heck, my name will legally be Elizabeth when I officially change it, and I still think "the bird or the cage" is such a perfect metaphor for being one's truest self. 

So what about you? What's your favorite (video or tabletop) game that features time travel?




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Have any questions about Dreams of Yesterday, or wanna see how it's played? Join us :D

Angel and I are gonna be playing Dreams of Yesterday on the Weird Giraffe Games Twitch channel tomorrow (Tuesday the 4th) at 4 pm eastern! We'll be using the Screentop digital implementation that's free for everyone, and we'll be chatting as we do it of course :D

So, with that said, if you have any questions for Heather or us about the game or anything else, let us know in a comment here or use this form. The form asks specifically for the information, but you ask questions here, please let us know how to refer to you (name/username/etc + pronouns) so we get it right :D

[Edit: Angel pointed out that I forgot how time worked 🤣 It originally said 7 PM PST, but has been updated to the correct time: 1 PM PST]




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Have you been twitching to learn more about the Dreams of Yesterday solo mode? Did you get caught dreaming instead of catching our stream last Thursday where we went live on the Weird Giraffe Games Twitch page to talk about this campaign, teach you how to play, and show off the solo mode of the game? That may be history now, but the video is now on exhibit on our youtube page, just follow this link here: Solo Stream

As you go watch the video, let us know what what discoveries about the game have peaked your interest. Is it the bones of the Dreams of Tomorrow mechanics that brought you here? Maybe it's the artwork by Beth Sobel that peaked your curiosity?  Anything new and astonishing that you're excited to experience as you play? Let us know, and while you're at it share with your friends!

Y'all have been awesome so far and have Urn-ed all the praise we can give for your support as we continue to hit stretch goals. The knowledge that all you backers love our games makes the whole team excited get them into your hands. 

Play Games Spread Joy

ps: you can tell i enjoy a good pun, how many can you find in the video?




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Dreams of Tomorrow is all about sending dreams into the past to avoid a terrible fate, and Dreams of Yesterday is about using relics of the past as a catalyst for change, essentially bringing these items from the past to the present.

So, if you were to dream up another title that uses a new way of traveling (or having objects travel) through time, what would it be?




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Motley doesn't feature heavily in this campaign, as Dreams of Yesterday is the star, but it IS something BIG (despite its little package): it's the first party game from Weird Giraffe Games!

Motley is silly in the best ways: it's all about presenting a visual clue using the cards at your disposal. This isn't always easy, but I believe in you, you can do it!

So here's another challenge to you: let's see what clues you can come up with using our digital version of Motley (ported to Screentop by Corey Andalora, who designed Explosion in the Laboratory!). I'd love it if you try the game out and take screenshots of your favorite clues while playing, or just check it out solo and see what you can come up with, then email your image(s) to beth[at]! An example is below, using physical cards. Can you figure out what dinosaur is being illustrated here?

Guess what dinosaur this is! Chelsea took this photo :D

The game plays like this: the first player draws 5 cards from the deck and chooses one of the categories. Then, they choose anything they want that fits that category and lay out the patterned sides of the cards—using at least three (up to all five)— to illustrate a clue. From there, players guess at what the thing is! Whoever guesses it gets the card that had the chosen category on it, and the next player draws one more card so they have five, and play continues.

📃 You can read the full rules here!
🎮 You can play the Screentop version here!

Note: this is NOT the final version of the game, and both the rules and the cards are subject to change

To take a screenshot...
...on Windows, click here.
🍎 ...on Mac, click here (untested, I don't have a Mac, sorry, but it IS from the Apple website!).

Oh, and sometime during the campaign, we'll be doing a Motley Play Along where we go through images that we've taken and that others have submitted, show them on stream, and try to figure out the clues! We'll also be sharing some of them on social media, like the one above!




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One of the things I did leading up to this campaign is to create a Screentop implementation of Dreams of Yesterday. It's the first time I ever used Screentop, and I had help from a good friend of mine, Xoe Allred (although any flaws in the implementation are my fault, not its fault lol).

The challenge!
Anyway, this creation of the past is now a challenge for today (and the future): let's see how high of a score you can get! You can do this against another player (or players) or solo, just reply to this discussion with player count ("1" for solo, even though you're playing against an "opponent") and score, like 1/17 or 2/18

Feel free to share moments from the game as well! For instance, in one game I played against Angel, I'd gotten an urn and was trying sooooooooooo hard to get a second one to end the game, but wasn't able to do so. Even without a second urn, I won because the one I had earned me a BUNCH of extra points! 🥳

How do I play it?
The print and play is here:  Print and Play Link

And here are two different digital implementations. I highly recommend Screentop as it's free and playable right in your browser!
✨ Screentop:
✨ Tabletop Simulator:

Streaming tonight: Justin!
Chelsea made this awesome image! Go Chelsea 🙌

Justin will be playing Dreams of Yesterday tonight at 8 pm eastern on the Weird Giraffe Games Twitch channel. He'll be using physical cards, so you can get a good look at the gorgeous art while he's teaching and playing it! He's absolutely fantastic with teaching games, so it'll be awesome to watch (I plan to be there in the chat). Keep in mind that this, as well as the print and play and digital implementations, are not the final versions of the game, and things are subject to change.




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We can't wait to play both games on the channel next month.





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