July 2020 – “Not Taxable” Pledge Levels & More

Dan Goldenberg
BackerKit, Product Manager

Product Updates covers what the BackerKit team has been building for BackerKit Launch, Performance Marketing (Ads and Newsletter), and Pledge Manager, as well as global BackerKit account changes to better serve Kickstarter and Indiegogo crowdfunding creators.





  • BackerTracker updates: Campaigns that are unsuccessfully funded or canceled no longer appear on BackerTracker.



  • Draft project insights: Creators with draft campaigns can better see insights on how ready the people on their email list are to pledge to their campaign when they launch.
  • Warning!: Creators now see a warning if they try to dissociate a project to an email campaign that was already sent to backers.
  • Email bug fix: Some backers were receiving Launch emails, but were not able to click on the “commit” button due to the limitations of a specific email client.


Performance Marketing Ads & Newsletter

  • Credential notification: Creators are now notified to update their credentials in BackerKit if realtime pledge data is no longer appearing in BackerKit.


Pledge Manager

  • Pre-live access: Creators can no longer sign up for the Pledge Manager before their campaign is live to reduce pulling in incomplete pledge level information before campaigns go live on Kickstarter or Indiegogo. 
  • Not taxable pledge levels: Creators can now mark a pledge level as “not taxable”, which will prevent tax rules from being applied to that pledge level. This is useful if you have a “donation” tier or if the items are digital and you don’t want to collect taxes on digital goods. The “no reward” tier is defaulted to not taxable.
  • Tax rule duplication: Creators can now copy tax rules from one project to another.
  • Add-on chart bug fix: The add-on chart now renders correctly in the counts section.
  • Excluded countries bug fix: Backers with a Backer Account can no longer enter an address country that is in the “excluded countries” list for a project.
  • New credit card bug fix: Fixed a bug that prevented some Backer Account backers from being able to add a new credit card to an order.