Alex Hague
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Shipping surveys coming soon! 📦

Hi friends,

Quick update for the weekend: you're getting shipping surveys over the next few days! As you check out, you'll be able to add extra copies and such.

In terms of shipping prices, we worked really hard to get those rates to be as painless as possible for you all. So to that end, and to thank you for believing in our project from the beginning, we're covering 50%+ of the shipping costs ourselves. Which is *checks notes* $100K+ (yikes).

I'll have more info on specific delivery dates and tracking info soon, but we're basically done with production, so it's just a matter of getting copies on boats and to your region of the world now. Long story short: assume the boats are all on time, we'll be shipping to you in late June-ish, within a month of our original estimate! 

Here's the final packout, which is extremely satisfying to me, a hater of air:

Have a great weekend!

Alex + the Daybreak team




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