Alex Hague
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Sneak peek

Hello Daybreak friends!

This month is crunch time for finalizing all the game's components: cards, tokens, pulp trays, player boards, etc. Everything is starting to feel *very real* which is always my favorite moment of creating a game.

I know I've mentioned this before, but working on all these art files really underscores that Daybreak is absolutely STUFFED with incredible components. And we're really sweating the details of getting the most stunning, polished version of the game to you.

Here's a quick screencap of the WIP deck of local projects alone:

All 158 local project cards!


We're still looking good to deliver on schedule, so after this update, I'm going to transform right back into a squinty Adobe Illustrator goblin.

But before then, I wanted to share a recent writeup of Daybreak from the Guardian:

And I'm happy to say that this goes against Betteridge's law of headlinesβ€”assuming we do our job right, you'll absolutely learn a thing or two from the game πŸ˜…Β 

OK, that's all for now! I'll be in touch early next month to get the pledge manager up and running: you'll be able to update addresses, add on games, and all that other good stuff.

Talk soon,





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