about 2 years ago

Project Update: Surveys Soon, New Pin Designs, & Manufacturing updates!

Hey everyone!

I was hoping to have surveys out to you early this week but it will be few more days to make sure they are running smoothly. Unfortunately, I was not on vacation last week and was instead extremely sick and unable to do much at all :( No big delays though, I'm almost fully recovered and enjoying the time sitting at my desk getting everything ready. I'll start sending the first surveys in the next week or so.

There is still about $7000 in errored pledges - if you had an issue with your payment method please fix it when you get a chance.
I can't count my chickens before they're... uh... paid...

Pins Update

I've finalized designs for the Blue Jay, Chickadee, and Quail enamel pins:
3 new challengers appear

I've also finished some Baby Bird minipin designs that will be available as add-ons :)
chewed gum vs cotton balls

Bag Manufacturing Update

- Chickadee & Quail samples have been ordered, it will be a few weeks until I have product photos
- Bulk Order has been officially placed for the first subset of bags! This includes Crow, Chicken, Cockatiel, Zebra Finch, and Flamingo.
(I am staggering orders by a week or two each to keep things manageable and lower risk involved with shipping overseas)
- Egg wallet order and initial pin order will be placed within the next couple weeks
- Remaining bags will be ordered over the next month

Any questions? I'll try to answer!

Rachel / Corviforms

PS. I will be dealing at Anthrocon (Dealers Den table L15) this upcoming weekend! 




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