Latest from the Creator
Crimson Terrain
about 1 month ago
April Progress Update
Hey all I just want to very quickly let you know how the project has progressed over the last couple of months as I've been working on getting as much done as quickly as I can. ...
Crimson Terrain
4 months ago
Progress Update
Hey everyone,  I want to quickly update you all on the progress that I have made on the project. As you know I have had a number of delays and setbacks due to personal health i...
Crimson Terrain
8 months ago
Long Overdue Update
I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to each of you for your support of this project and I want to apologize for this extended period of silence. I feel it's crucial to p...
Crimson Terrain
over 1 year ago
Much Needed Update
Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to give you a quick update on the status of the project. As you know, I've been working hard to get this project closer to ...
Crimson Terrain
over 1 year ago
Quick Update. What has been going on.
Hello everyone. I want to apologize for my lack of communication and absence of updates. I have had a rather unfortunate last month or so which has set me behind schedule on all...
Crimson Terrain
over 1 year ago
First Monthly Update
Hey everyone, I have arrived with our first Monthly update. I am starting out small with this first reveal but will provide much larger sets for your review in subsequent up...
Crimson Terrain
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: Survey Emails Sent

I want to quickly thank you all for supporting this project. I have just a quick update for today to let you know that the smoke tests have been run and I found no issues with the surveys so I sent the survey emails out to everyone a few moments ago. You should see an email from Backerkit about these surveys showing up in your inbox soon if you have not already. If for some reason you don't see the email in your inbox check the usual spam folders and if you still don't see it try using the link below to access your survey. If the very unlikely situation occurs that this still does not work for you please leave me a comment or send me an email, addressed to [email protected] and I'll get things straightened out for you as soon as possible.

Also as to the determining a winner for the last Terrain Takedown. I decided not to add this question to the survey after all and simply declare them both the winners since they were both equally popular and produce both sets!

Thank you again for your support. I can't wait to share more about this project with you as it continues to develop in the near future.




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Crimson Terrain
about 1 month ago

Project Update: April Progress Update

Hey all I just want to very quickly let you know how the project has progressed over the last couple of months as I've been working on getting as much done as quickly as I can.  I got really busy today and over the last week and didn't have the time to put together much in the way of visuals for you but I will have a bunch of previews and nice things to look at on the next update. Anyway here is where we stand so far:

Terrain Packs
Draft 100%, Line Art, 90%, Paint 40%, Assembly 10%, Review 0%, Release X
Draft 90%, Line Art, 80%, Paint 50%, Assembly 20%, Review 0%, Release X
Draft 75%, Review 0%, Release X

To elaborate just a bit on the above, I have nearly finished the maps I have just a couple left to sketch out and plan a bit more before getting the final line art done, and about half of the painting remains to be completed. The adventures are nearly complete and I'm pretty excited to share some of the silly and strange stuff I've cooked up for that little book.  The review stage will occur once I have completed or mostly completed the "final" versions of each reward at which point I'll go over everything and see if any elements need to be revised and ensure that everything is cohesive. 

I want to thank you all again for your incredible patience. I know that this has taken me a very long time and I really look forward to getting this project to you as soon as I can.  




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Crimson Terrain
4 months ago

Project Update: Progress Update

Hey everyone, 

I want to quickly update you all on the progress that I have made on the project. As you know I have had a number of delays and setbacks due to personal health issues. However, I have been working on getting everything back on track and I want to give you an update as to the progress I have made thus far. I took a quick stock of where I am on each stage of development and I have the following rough progress to share with you.

I want to break the whole project down into stages which I will illustrate a bit better with some easy to read at a glance graphics but for now, I'm just going to give you some raw percentage-based estimates for where we are right now. The stages I've broken this down into are as follows, Draft, Line Art, Paint, Assembly (printables, asset packs, etc...), Review, and Release. 

Terrain Packs
Draft 100%, Line Art, 75%, Paint 30%, Assembly 5%, Review 0%, Release X
Draft 90%, Line Art, 80%, Paint 40%, Assembly 20%, Review 0%, Release X
Draft 50%, Review 0%, Release X

I hope that makes sense and like I said I will put a graphic together for subsequent updates which will make progress tracking much simpler. 
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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Crimson Terrain
8 months ago

Project Update: Long Overdue Update

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to each of you for your support of this project and I want to apologize for this extended period of silence. I feel it's crucial to provide transparency about the unforeseen challenges I've faced in recent months, which have affected the project's progress.
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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Crimson Terrain
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Much Needed Update

Hey everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to give you a quick update on the status of the project. As you know, I've been working hard to get this project closer to the completion mark and providing you all with a massive set of test pieces. Unfortunately, life has thrown me one curveball after another, which has impacted my schedule.

Recently, I had an unexpected trip to the hospital for several days due to a cough that caused an internal bleed. But the good news is that I avoided having surgery and am home, mostly recovered, and getting back to work. I'll be meeting with an allergist on Friday to finally get this cough sorted out and under control. Unfortunately, I'll also be getting scheduled for a much-needed abdominal hernia surgery, which was caused by this chronic cough.

I want to thank you all for your continued support and patience. I'm doing my best to make up for lost time and get back on schedule, but you should expect some delay in delivery. Based on my setbacks and revised schedule, I'm expecting to deliver the rewards by the end of June of this year. I apologize for how long this project has taken compared to my original projections.

To try and reduce the sting of these delays, I'm tentatively planning to release each pack individually as it is completed. I'll work on completing and delivering the terrain packs based on their popularity going from most ordered to least, until everything has been completed.

Thank you all again for your understanding and support. Let's keep moving forward together.





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Crimson Terrain
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Quick Update. What has been going on.

Hello everyone. I want to apologize for my lack of communication and absence of updates. I have had a rather unfortunate last month or so which has set me behind schedule on all of my projects. I have been experiencing one issue after another in my personal life. Shortly before Thanksgiving I and my family all got sick for the entire remainder of November then as soon as we recovered I had a series of family emergencies crop up shortly followed by my wife and I contracting Covid. I and my wife are thankfully doing just fine. I have finally begun to recover from everything and resume my work. 

Unfortunately, due to these setbacks, I have not been able to provide you with any other previews or progress updates. This is something I will rectify next month where I will provide a nice chunky update for you to test out and provide feedback on.

Thank you for your patience with me while I get everything back on track.




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Crimson Terrain
over 1 year ago

Project Update: First Monthly Update

Hey everyone,

I have arrived with our first Monthly update. I am starting out small with this first reveal but will provide much larger sets for your review in subsequent updates. I have decided to release some amount of terrain pieces and dungeon tiles to you all each month to give you an opportunity to test the pieces out and provide feedback. This will serve two purposes, the first being the most obvious you get to have access to some of the pieces early. The second and most valuable in my opinion is you get to provide some early feedback on the product before we get too far along to be able to make any changes without causing any extreme delays to the final delivery.

Since Halloween is just around the corner, here are some asset previews primarily from the Spooky bonus set. Next week-ish I'm planning to send a link through the pledge manager for you to download one of the maps as a printable pdf with a few format variations for VTT use. Additionally, you will find one printable page of tiles and scatter terrain pieces included. I will hopefully include a few of the VTT-ready images as well as a dungeon draft asset pack with this download and will try to do so in future previews as well.

Spooky Terrain Bonus Set Teaser

Thanks again for your support and please let me know what you think about this little teaser. As you may or may not notice from this image I am using a mix of fully top-down views and some slightly tilted views. I am utilizing one "camera" angle or another based on what I think presents each asset in the most readable way. 




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Crimson Terrain
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Quick Update

Hey everyone I want to quickly reach out as it has been some time since the last update.

Most of you have already completed your surveys but we still have a number of outstanding surveys to be completed. If you don't seem to have received an email try the following link If that doesn't work or if you have any trouble completing your survey please reach out either in the comments below or send me an email at [email protected] and I will get back to you as soon as possible to help you out.

I'm going to give things a little bit more time and then I'll send out the PDF copies of It's Tough to Be a God and Riddlehouse Vol. 1 to anyone who has selected those options in their survey as part of their pledge reward. If you pick them up as add-ons we'll have to wait until we charge cards to send those out.

The Crimson Spire book is turning out pretty neat. I have designed the tower itself to be something of a puzzle and will be including some maps for this location as well. Various rooms that one finds within magically transport those who enter to faraway locations (the settings for our adventures).  There is a kind of hilarious order of mystics who operate spire with some characters that might be inspired by Terry Pratchett's incredible work. I can't wait to share this book and everything else with you all soon.

I'll have another update later this month where I will showcase some of the new pieces I have completed. My intention going forward is to have an update at least once a month where I will showcase bits and bobs that I have completed or have in a near-finished state.  That way you have an opportunity to provide some feedback and thoughts while I work and I can take that input into consideration.

Thank you all again for your support, this project is a lot of fun for me and I hope you will all enjoy using it as much as I am enjoying creating it.




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Crimson Terrain
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: Surveys Are Setup

The pledge manager surveys are set up. I will have the Backerkit crew review the setup and help me apply any necessary credits and promotional rewards to the cart of everyone who qualifies. Once that is complete I will run a smoke test to send out a handful of surveys to monitor for any issues that might crop up and after 24 hours from the smoke tests going out, I will send the rest of the surveys out to everyone.

I am also launching the preorder store and will have that available for anyone who didn't make it into the campaign but would still like to support the project.

Thank you again for supporting the project.




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Crimson Terrain
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: Quick Update

Hey everyone I wanted to quickly update you all on where we are since I know it's been quite a while since the campaign wrapped and I posted my last update.

I am working on setting up the pledge manager and surveys to go out to you to collect the necessary information to deliver your rewards as well as offer you the chance to grab any addons you might want as well as make changes to your pledge. The items are all set up for the most part. The survey is still getting refined a bit and I'm working up some images to give you an idea of what is in the addons that I haven't shown any art for up to this point.

I am still waiting for the funds to clear and be transferred. Once they clear I'll be free to send out the surveys as soon as they are ready.

While we all wait to get the surveys and post-campaign going I'd like to share with you some of what I've been up to lately.

I have launched a Ko-fi where I am sharing everything I am working on. Mostly early draft versions of my work, behind-the-scenes looks at projects, opportunities to provide feedback on projects in development, and playtest copies of upcoming projects. Explorer & Adventurer members get access to all of my direct published work for free with their membership as well. I am also considering using this page as a way to chronicle the development of the terrain sets. If any of what I have mentioned is something you are interested in feel free to give that a look.

I also launched a website! and have been working on developing a small blog there called The Vorpal Spoon as well as offering my published works for sale direct from me.

I have been significantly ramping up my release schedule this summer. I have begun publishing a small one-shot adventure series for 5th edition fantasy called Tiny Terrors. I recently released the second issue and have already begun work on the third. I am shooting for a weekly release schedule on these tiny books for Tier 1 adventurers. I have seen a good amount of success with them so far and have been enjoying writing them so you can expect to keep seeing these pop up regularly for the foreseeable future, they are available (along with all my published work) at DriveThruRPG and

As always, I also encourage you to follow me on whatever social media platform you prefer. I am most active on Twitter, but I also post to Instagram and Facebook with some regularity (I'm trying to improve this last one). Follow me there @CrimsonTerrain Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

Until next time I want to thank you again for your support and I can't wait to get these terrain sets out for you to use in your game.




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Crimson Terrain
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: Campaign is complete! + Terrain Takedown Final Result

We did it! Thank you so much for supporting this project! 

So, what happens now?

Please read through this update and check the campaign page if you have any questions!
Charging Cards
BackerKit will soon begin charging your cards and processing your pledges. If your card is declined, you will have a window in which to fix the payment method before they make a second attempt.

Pledge Manager
In about 2 weeks
, you will receive the BackerKit Survey where you choose your pledge rewards, pick up any add-ons you want to add from the post campaign add-on shop, and make any changes to your pledge you might want.

So we have a bit of an unprecedented result. Unless I am mistaken prehistoric and modern have tied. However, as the highlander would say, "there can be only one." So I have decided to take this last round to the survey. I'm going to include the vote in the survey when they go out and whichever pack wins will not only be the one added but since they were so popular the runner up will be one of the first new sets I work on once this project is completed and delivered. 

That's right, of course this isn't the end. I'll be making even more terrain sets in the future. Starting with all the sets we didn't quite get to make part of this project. Keep your eyes on your inboxes as I'll be posting frequent status updates and peeks into the terrain I'm working on throughout the post campaign process as I bring this project to life.

I really couldn't do this without you all. Thank you again for all of your support!




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Crimson Terrain
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: less than 48 hours left + Terrain Takedown Update

Thank you all so much for supporting this project. We have reached the final 48 hours of the campaign. If you could take a minute of your time to share the campaign wherever you spend time either on social media, forums, or in person it would be a major help in reaching some of our extra goals and adding even more content to the final result.

I'll have a more substantial update as the campaign comes to an end to let you know what you can expect from the post-campaign phase of this project. Until then let's get into the final phase of the final round of the Terrain Takedown! As you may have already expected the Yumm pack was just a little too wacky for its own good. It put in a valiant attempt at rallying but it was just too little too late for our all-too-sweet contender.

That means that it's the Prehistoric Terrain Pack vs the Modern Terrain! Who will win? Past or Present? It's up to you to decide which pack shall reign supreme! Cast your vote in the discussion below.

Thank you again for backing this campaign. It is a real joy for me to have the opportunity to pursue these ideas and know that something I am creating will help others have an even more enjoyable experience playing their favorite roleplaying games.




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Crimson Terrain
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: Terrain Take Down Final Round! + Winner

It's the Final Terrain Takedown! Round 3 is going to be a little different than prior rounds. Instead of voting once we are going to do this twice. I want you all to vote today for your top 2 terrain packs. We have two returning packs from the last two rounds, the Modern Terrain Pack and Yumm Pack, and a brand new challenger has risen, the Prehistoric Pack. Vote for your top two choices!

This is going to be a short round as the campaign is quickly approaching its end. We only have 3 days left! So share the campaign on social media and tell your friends. Tell people why you are supporting this project and why they should too!

Back to the final round, the way this is going to work is that you vote for your top two choices and whichever pack has the lowest vote count by tomorrow morning when I tally them up will be eliminated. I will then make another update and let you know who is left standing so you can vote for your favorite between them. After the campaign has closed, when I post my campaign wrap up I'll announce the winner! That's all folks. You know what to do now!

Oh, obviously the Spooky pack absolutely ran away with the last round. I don't think anyone is surprised by this result.

Thanks again for all your support I have had a lot of fun running this campaign with you and I look forward to the rest of this journey as I complete the project.




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Crimson Terrain
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: Terrain Take Down Round 2! + Winner

Thank you all so much for supporting this project. I just have a quick update for you today but I want you to know that I really appreciate you backing this campaign and taking part in the votes and providing feedback when I have asked for it. Your feedback has been incredibly valuable to me.

First I want to announce the winner of the last Terrain Takedown. The Sci-Fi Terrain Pack! If you voted for that congratulations you guys pulled through and took the win. If you were looking for the modern terrain don't fret, while your champion didn't win this time I am throwing in an honorable mention sorta deal and creating that playground terrain pack because well, it sounds awesome and I really want to.

Now that we have the last round taken care of let's dive into Round 2! This week we have a Spooky Terrain Pack going head to head with an odd but fun Yumm Terrain Pack. The Spooky Pack as I'm sure you have guessed by now is very much Halloween-themed and will feature lots of fun gothic-inspired pieces and of course pumpkins and jak o' lanterns! As for the Yumm Pack that one I'm sure is a bit more of a mystery. The short and sweet (heh) of it is that this is a terrain pack where the world is literally made of sweets and baked goods. So candy trees, bushes, rocks, rocky roads, you get it by now I'm sure. So quick, vote for your favorite in the discussion below, before time runs out. Voting ends on Monday 7/04/22 and I'll be announcing the winner on Tuesday! I am planning to try to cram one more short 3-day battle as we run head-on toward the end of this campaign.




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Crimson Terrain
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: Fully Funded + Reveal

Thanks to all of you we have reached our funding goal! You are amazing. Truly, none of this is possible without your support and it blows me away to see a group of people come together to make creative projects like this become a reality. I appreciate every one of you and I can't wait to dive deep into completing this project. Hopefully, once completed, you will share some photos with me and I'll get to see some of you use them! I can't tell you how much that would mean to me. I get a great feeling hearing about how backers are using the roleplaying tools I create for them.

So what's next? We still have the Terrain Takedown going strong. Make sure you vote for your favorite either in the terrain takedown update or the pinned discussion. Reaching our initial funding goal is by no means the end of our campaign. I have revealed the first additional funding goal. If we can get the project to 4k I will be able to devote myself to creating an additional Wacky Wizards Tower terrain pack and one-shot adventure, which will be delivered for free with everyone's pledges. This adventure is separate from the Crimson Spire adventure companion book. I need your help to reach this new goal.

What can you do to help? Spread the word far and wide! Share the campaign with your friends and family on social media. Tweet it, post on Reddit, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or wherever you spend time engaging with fellow TTRPG fans. The more you can let the world know what we are making here, the better this whole project will end up being. I have so many awesome ideas for ways to expand the project with free upgrades, but I need to be able to fund all that creative work. A ton of illustration and design goes into every piece of terrain and I'm just one guy with a pad and a pen. Tell the world why you are backing this project so we can grow together and produce something truly amazing.

Thank you all so much for backing this project. Seriously. I know I say this every time I communicate with you, but I truly can't express how much your support means to me. You enable me to pursue my creative goals and it is truly an honor to get to create these tools for you. 




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