April 2020—BackerKit Product Onboarding & More

Dan Goldenberg
BackerKit, Product Manager


Product Updates will be getting a new formatting look to better serve all your BackerKit product information on Launch, Performance Marketing (Ads and Newsletter), and Pledge Manager, as well as global BackerKit account changes.





  • One account to rule them all: BackerKit now allows creators to have one BackerKit account to manage multiple Kickstarter and/or Indiegogo accounts. This helps creators who are consulting, or have completely separate brands or products in different categories. 
  • Onboarding for all BackerKit products: They have just gotten easier within your existing account. If you are new to BackerKit, you can enter BackerKit by signing up for one of our products: Launch, Performance Marketing (Ads and Newsletter), and Pledge Manager
  • Bug fixes: When adding a new draft project to your BackerKit account, the draft project will now appear at the top of your project list.



  • Bug fixes: In a rare case, when a member clicks on an email link, it will direct them to the updated landing page instead of an older landing page.
  • Haven’t checked out Launch yet? Experience our new BackerKit Launch onboarding here.


Performance Marketing Ads & Newsletter

  • Welcome to BackerKit: BackerKit now sends creators a new welcome email when signing up for Performance Marketing to confirm that they have completed sign up.
  • Haven’t checked out Performance Marketing by BackerKit yet? Experience our new BackerKit Ads onboarding here and BackerKit Newsletter onboarding here.


Pledge Manager

  • Add VAT: BackerKit now gives creators the ability to add VAT ID and VAT address to their project. This information will appear on a backer’s confirmation page, confirmation email, and their packlist.
  • Indiegogo add-on variations: When a backer selects an add-on with variation options on Indiegogo, that specific selection will be reflected in their BackerKit cart. No need to survey backers multiple times if they received multiple rewards on Indiegogo anymore.
  • New funding reports: There are now new funding reports that will show how funds in BackerKit works. These exports in combination with our advanced segmenting tool, can help creators get specific data they need for accounting, taxes, and general funding info. This information was previously found across multiple reports, but is now simplified into two reports:
    • Expected Revenue Report – Shows the current state of where backers are and what they may owe later. 
    • Collected Revenue Report – Includes info about money raised on BackerKit and the original crowdfunding platform, so you can use this for taxes/getting an idea for the total amount this project has raised.
  • Creators can create a segment for: 
    • Backers receiving a certain amount of complimentary credit.
    • Backers who have not used all of their allotted funds.
  • Indiegogo sync notification: BackerKit now notifies Indiegogo creators when BackerKit attempts to pull in new Indiegogo Indemand backers and the sync fails.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Creators are no longer prevented from duplicating an add-on from the pre-order items page. 
    • Add-ons are now hidden when the availability of all of the variants reaches zero. 
    • Creators will not be ejected from onboarding if they did not correctly fill out the “important dates” page.
  • Haven’t checked out BackerKit’s Pledge Manger yet? Explore more here.