Bailey (xir/xir/xirself)
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Nature Incarnate in pre-ship! Foils and tokens in production!

Good morning, everyone! Welcome back for a new update. We’ve got a short one for you this time around. We have some great news for you all: Nature Incarnate is getting ready to enter the pre-ship stage of the process! That’s right, production is wrapping up and soon will be put on the cargo containers for us. Then, it’s just a matter of time before it’s crossing the Pacific Ocean and heading right to us. Of course, there’s still the month that it takes for it to cross that ocean, but time will tell on exactly how long it takes. We’re on course and possibly even slightly ahead of schedule! Make sure we have your correct address!

The same goes for the foils and tokens! Those are still in production. Not quite to the wrap-up stage that Nature Incarnate is, but logic only follows that one thing is completed, then another. Things are going strong!

As always, if you have any questions or need to update your address, be sure to reach out to us at [email protected] 

That’s all for now! See you next month with (hopefully) some shipment updates!





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