We are thrilled to announce that today Crowd Ox, a pledge management platform for crowdfunding projects, will be joining the BackerKit team. We are excited to combine powers to give creators and backers the best possible pledge management experience, and the most powerful crowdfunding tools in the space. Please give a big welcome to our new team members, and expect even more awesomeness in the future!

What does this mean for creators and backers?

In the short term, there will be no disruption to any project currently live on either platform for creators or their backers. If you have already committed to using BackerKit or Crowd Ox, nothing changes. We will make sure every single project that launches on either platform gets to fulfill on the platform. So if you were a creator planning on using BackerKit or Crowd Ox in the coming months, not to worry!

As we look toward the future, it is our number one priority to make sure we merge all the best parts of each platform to give every creator the best single experience possible. With the top two teams in pledge management putting their heads together, we’ll be able to combine all of our collective experience and make something amazing. We are also going to be able to offer all of our market-leading BackerKit Marketing services and Launch to Crowd Ox customers, which is exciting.

What does this mean for us at BackerKit?

Joining forces with a company that has been thinking about pledge management as much as we have allows us to focus on making the best pledge management tool out there for creators and backers. We will also continue to expand our tools beyond pledge management, and now have the best minds to help us develop them. 

Our story continues…

We set out eight years ago to make life for creators easier. The inspiration came from our own experience with running a crowdfunding campaign in 2010. We witnessed first hand all the challenges a creator faces when managing a campaign, their backers, and jumpstarting their own business. When we first started BackerKit, we had no idea that this concept of a ‘pledge manager’ would go from a little idea we thought would help a handful of creators, and turn into a vital market segment for the crowdfunded economy. We are super proud that something many thought was a nice-to-have has become an essential part of how creators bring amazing projects to their fans.

About six years ago, Crowd Ox came onto the scene. We were quite honored that another company would join us in our little pledge manager pond, as it meant we were not alone in believing this could be an important tool for creators.

Since then, collectively, we’ve worked with over 11,000 creators, 17,000,000 backers, and helped them raise over $330,000,000.

As we got to know the folks at Crowd Ox, we were excited to see how much we thought alike, and we shared the same mission to help make space for creators. We realized that we both have been applying countless hours building similar tools and solving the same problems for creators. We realized if we joined forces, we could more than double our efforts in building more amazing tools. Together, BackerKit + Crowd Ox represent the hands-down, definitive, best-in-class pledge manager experience for creators. Joining forces with a company as passionate about creators as we are will take us into the next chapter in our storybook. Stay tuned to see where our growth and innovation take us from here.

Thank you!

We want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for putting your trust in us over the last eight years and bringing us to where we are today. We come to work every day for you. Everyone on our team is driven to make campaign management better and easier for you. We remain committed to this mission as we begin this exciting new stage of our journey. To celebrate, we will be rolling out some announcements in the near future about our offerings so please stay tuned.

Sincerest gratitude,

Maxwell Salzberg & Rosanna Yau 

BackerKit Co-founders