Continue backing similar projects

Now that you’re collecting emails & gaining new social media followers, it’s a good time to remind yourself to keep backing other projects.

While you’re building your web pages and collecting emails, establishing yourself on various social media platforms, and building your community around the game you are making, it’s important to never stop engaging with the crowdfunding platform you’re using. The platform is always changing, and new projects are launching every day. As we mentioned in the “Ideation” stage, this is the best place to do research, educate yourself on how crowdfunding works, and reach out and interact with creators you follow and admire.

Here are a few key questions to ask yourself:

  • What projects have you backed so far? 
  • What made you become a backer? 
  • How similar are the projects you back to your own? 
  • Have you been reading project updates for games you’ve backed?
  • Are you commenting on project updates and/or messaging fellow creators yet? 
  • What have you learned about crowdfunding that you didn’t know before backing and following other projects?

These are things you should be doing throughout your entire crowdfunding journey to stay informed and engaged. 

Keep in mind you don’t have to back every campaign at full price. It’s completely alright to back a ton of projects for just $1. This will grant you access to campaign updates and give you the full backer experience. Not to mention, $1 support is still support, and creators definitely appreciate it when they’re in the midst of a campaign. Go back five projects right now. I guarantee you it’ll be the best $5 you’ll ever spend.


Discover BackerKit Tabletop Games campaigns to support

Browse through the games category and discover some projects similar to yours and show some support. Start studying their campaign page, reward tier structure, and the updates they send to backers. Use those filters to narrow your results!

Now that you’ve backed similar projects, you should discover and join like-minded communities and groups.

Are You Ready to Launch?
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