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I’m so thrilled to see this. I was a beta tester for Sierra Online during my mid-late teens through early 20s. I was credited on everything from Leisure Suit Larry 3 to Gabriel Knight. Some of the most fun I had was on Freddy Pharkus where I was given the chance to write a dozen or so text descriptions. When I was 16, I wrote about ten of the questions to prove you’re an adult in LSL3. Al Lowe made me a little certificate that said “This is to certify Mark is old enough to write this game but not old enough to play it.” It was an amazing group of testers, back when teams were like ten people, a few of which went on to huge things. I’m still proud to see my name in the credits. I always said, back then, this is the future of entertainment and will overtake movies. One of the last games I worked on was Phantasmagoria and you can clearly see Roberta was ahead of her time. Alas, my only interaction with Ken was troubleshooting the “brand new” Roland MT-32 with their games. So thrilled to see how many people were touched by this incredible company. It truly was a special time.

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If the production team are planning to visit Oakhurst to do filming on location, e.g. of the many old office locations (Ponderosa Printing, Golden Oak Drive, Victoria Lane, Sierra Way, etc), then one opportunity not to be missed would be the house that Ken and Roberta built. As luck would have it, it is available on airbnb at the moment: Amazing. It still has The Dark Crystal stained glass windows either side of the entrance, and the Apple logo set into the floor of the racquetball court. This was the location of many Sierra On-Line parties. I've read first hand accounts of their house warming party on the 3rd September 1983 (covered in Steven Levy's "Hackers" book) and a description of Sierra's 4th Anniversary party in May 1984 at the same house (covered by Doug Carlston's "Software People" book). It would be great to get some footage there, if the opportunity arises. It might be a nice place for the production team to base themselves while there. Just thought I'd pass info of this opportunity along, in case it is of interest. Some of the community may be interested as well. A little expensive for a small group, but great for larger groups.

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Hey, Evan here!

Thanks so much for backing Nimble 5e! I'm eager to hear your feedback, questions, and battle reports after you've gotten a chance to try out the playtest packet for yourself. Feel free to post here in the community section, or join us in the Discord channel.

Much love <3

– Evan @ Nimble Co.

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I have already told my story in this forum about how I was gifted a free copy of InterAction magazine from Sierra On-Line. Inside that copy of InterAction magazine, was a subscription form for a 6 month free trial of PC Entertainment magazine. Well I decided to give it a chance and my dad was kind enough to let me use his credit card number to subscribe. I started receiving my PC Entertainment once a month in the mail and I fell in love with my monthly news updates on the world of PC gaming. Then around June 1994, very strangely, I received a completely different magazine. It was not my expected PC Entertainment, but rather a magazine called PC Gamer vol. 1 no. 1. I remember it came with a leaflet explaining the rebrand to PC Gamer from PC Entertainment. I was very impressed with this new, much thicker and extensive magazine. So I inevitably renewed my subscription after noticing another subscription form inside for a 12 month PC Gamer subscription that would include a gift of the new Sierra On-Line graphic adventure game Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers. This was a deal I could not refuse, as I hadn't bought Gabriel Knight yet. I was over the moon when my new game arrived. What a gem of a game. Anyway, I was a subscriber to PC Gamer for a number of years. At the end of 1994 I finished high school and started my first full time job in 1995 and was able to maintain my precious PC Gamer subscription and the following year I manage to get onto the internet for the fist time at home, which really opened up my sources of gaming news.





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$1,500 more to go and we hit $225,000!!! Great job everyone <3





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Headed out from the east coast today. See you there!





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Any guesses what the $375,000 locked goal could possibly be?





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Well met Adventurers!

Conor isn't awake right now to make a fancy graphic but I just wanted to jump in and say thank you all so much for your support!

Our first project Tempest started as a pipe dream at 4am on a discord call post DnD session and it did so much better than we expected but came with so many lessons we were forced to learn. We've come back bigger and better and hit ~50% of Tempests final pledges in the first 12 hours!

This whole job is only made possible by you and for that we are both eternally grateful.

For those of you that don't know me I also thought I'd take a hot sec to introduce myself, I'm Aston and I'll be the one answering questions and sorting distribution when the time for that comes. Right now most of my job involves watching you wonderful people make our dreams come true but if you do have any specific questions or comments feel free to comment here and I'll be keeping an eye or chuck me an email at [email protected]!

Safe travels and fair adventures!




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While I really like the artwork, I didn't see anything in your FAQ on whether or not you use AI art? Not saying that's bad or good, but some people may want to know?

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Im curious how convertion on monsters and spells is done from 5e to Nimble. Are there some examples I can look at? Another question. How is magical weapons and Armour dealt with (converted from 5e products). If this fast combat system removes all the time consuming modifications and details does it not then also remove functions from Magic items?

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