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Evan — Nimble Co.
about 8 hours ago
189 votes • 1 day left
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The Dragons Vault
2 days ago
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Evan — Nimble Co.
2 days ago
338 votes • Final results
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I’m so thrilled to see this. I was a beta tester for Sierra Online during my mid-late teens through early 20s. I was credited on everything from Leisure Suit Larry 3 to Gabriel Knight. Some of the most fun I had was on Freddy Pharkus where I was given the chance to write a dozen or so text descriptions. When I was 16, I wrote about ten of the questions to prove you’re an adult in LSL3. Al Lowe made me a little certificate that said “This is to certify Mark is old enough to write this game but not old enough to play it.” It was an amazing group of testers, back when teams were like ten people, a few of which went on to huge things. I’m still proud to see my name in the credits. I always said, back then, this is the future of entertainment and will overtake movies. One of the last games I worked on was Phantasmagoria and you can clearly see Roberta was ahead of her time. Alas, my only interaction with Ken was troubleshooting the “brand new” Roland MT-32 with their games. So thrilled to see how many people were touched by this incredible company. It truly was a special time.

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Evan — Nimble Co.
about 8 hours ago

Project Update: wow.


Just as I start planning one stretch goal, we've already knocked it down!

The project has been so successful that I can officially announce some book upgrades! First, the early bird Oathbreaker class. Instead of a separate printed leaflet for only the early backers, I wanted to upgrade that and include it in the book properly. This means that everyone will now get it for free, hope that's okay with everyone!

On top of that, you all have unlocked the funding needed to develop the SPELLBLADE subclass. The art is below, and development on both of those, as of yesterday, is now underway!

I'm working with a designer on upgrading the spell cards and character sheets too! (Work in Progress preview below, art not final)

Also, at 100k, we have officially unlocked BIG Legendary Monster cards as a free upgrade to everyone at the boxed set tier! These are 10 tarot sized cards with full art on one side, to impress (and intimidate) players, and an easy to run statblock on the back so you don't have to go flipping through books while running it.

Next Stretch Goal is for everyone, at 120k we're upgrading the adventure to support 1 more level of play and a sandbox style "choose your quest" layout for this and any future updates, for more freeform play.

Quick update on the personal side, it's been... a week, I've been sick and now some of my kids are too, so if there is a slight delay in responding to comments & questions, that's why! I'm slowly getting caught up though. Some additional FAQs have been added as well.

Thank you all, next week: class previews! Which class would you like to know more about first? I'm interested to know, leave a comment please

– Evan @ Nimble Co.

PS. the free preview has been updated with some clarifications & wording changes, clarifying what dying means and some other small things. And will continue to be updated, so check back every once in a while for the latest preview doc.
189 votes • 1 day left
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Legends of Adventure
4 days ago

Project Update: Legends of Adventure is 300% Funded + Second Stretch Goal Unlocked 🔓

Hello, Adventurers!

We're officially 300% funded and have unlocked our second Stretch Goal: a digital copy of the original soundtrack by Castle If free for all Backers. Thank you!

The documentary is getting bigger and better with every additional backer – and we can’t wait to reveal even more exciting surprises over the next few weeks.

And speaking of surprises, we’ve received so many positive comments and kind words about the teaser trailer theme, which Castle If aka Jess Forrest, composed specially for our campaign video. We’ve passed all of those compliments along to her. We can’t wait to see what she does with the full original soundtrack for the doc.

As a special bonus, Jess has released a special music video for the “Legends of Adventure Teaser Theme” on YouTube – a music video featuring some amazing vintage Sierra footage – and Bandcamp.

Watch the music video below:

The song will be available on all major music streaming services later this week!

Backers: Be sure to visit the Legends of Adventure Community page to see -an exclusive "Backer Only" announcement.


The Legends of Adventure Team
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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Evan — Nimble Co.
2 days ago

Project Update: 🎉 Early Backer Mystery Subclass Revealed & STRETCH GOALS! 🎉

Wow... I'm blown away.

The response has been absolutely amazing. Thanks to all of you, the project is off to a great start: we funded in just about 15 minutes yesterday and are currently over 1000% of our original funding goal. 🤯 I am so very thankful for you all, with your help I promise to make this the absolute best it can be!

Now onto the Mystery Subclass reveal! The OATHBREAKER!

Man I'm so excited for this, I can't even tell you... Instead of being a regular subclass chosen at level 3, this is going to be a special Story Driven Subclass. A player will be able to choose this subclass at ANY point along the level curve, when the story demands it. I love the idea of someone playing an Oathsworn, and watching something terrible happen (losing a party member, BBEG tempting or backstabbing them) and the BREAKING THEIR OATH... wow, that just seems too cool.


I waited to announce any stretch goals since I wanted to hear what YOU all are most interested in. As much as I'd love to, I don't think I can do ALL of them, but I want to do as many as I can. Let me know which ones to prioritize. 

Fancy Dice. We've all got plenty of dice, but do we have enough fAnCy dice? (Included for free in the Boxed Set)
Cloth Map. Who doesn't love a cloth map? Art TBD, likely of the adventure area for the starting adventure. (Included for free in the Boxed Set)
BIG Legendary Monster Cards. Full are on one side to show (and intimidate) your players. Easy to read statblock on the back for convenience. Tarot Sized. (Included for free in the Boxed Set)
More Subclasses. Let me know what you're most excited about. Spellblade? (Included for free with all tiers).
Metal Action Trackers. Honestly, you don't need these, you can use dice or just your memory, 3 isn't that hard to count to. But having a hefty metal physical thing to interact with... mmm something about that...  (Included for free in the Boxed Set)
Holofoil Cards. Shiny. Need I say any more?  (Included for free in the Boxed Set)
Bigger Adventure. Up to level 4? Level 5? A sandbox style choose your own adventure?  (Included for free with all tiers).

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If you want more than one (or have any other ideas), leave a comment and let me know which others you'd like 2nd, 3rd...

<3 you all

– Evan @ Nimble Co.

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If the production team are planning to visit Oakhurst to do filming on location, e.g. of the many old office locations (Ponderosa Printing, Golden Oak Drive, Victoria Lane, Sierra Way, etc), then one opportunity not to be missed would be the house that Ken and Roberta built. As luck would have it, it is available on airbnb at the moment: Amazing. It still has The Dark Crystal stained glass windows either side of the entrance, and the Apple logo set into the floor of the racquetball court. This was the location of many Sierra On-Line parties. I've read first hand accounts of their house warming party on the 3rd September 1983 (covered in Steven Levy's "Hackers" book) and a description of Sierra's 4th Anniversary party in May 1984 at the same house (covered by Doug Carlston's "Software People" book). It would be great to get some footage there, if the opportunity arises. It might be a nice place for the production team to base themselves while there. Just thought I'd pass info of this opportunity along, in case it is of interest. Some of the community may be interested as well. A little expensive for a small group, but great for larger groups.

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Legends of Adventure
1 day ago




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The Dragons Vault
2 days ago

Project Update: Choose Thy Champion!

Hail & well met valiant Wanderers,

As we continue our journey toward Faerie, the soothsayers ask that you choose a champion to carry your banner deep into the forgotten realm. Twice a week thou will be asked to decide where this warrior goes and what choices they make, much like the “choose your own adventure” tomes of old.

While your champion is on their journey, any items thou discovers, creatures thou faces, or magic thou champions, will thereafter become part of the final tome. Your choices, and the roll of the die, will guide your champion. You decide what becomes part of the book and what is cast to the shadows as we progress towards their final quest, to defeat the Hag at the heart of the blightwood forest…

Should you succeed in defeating her you will be given a choice of additional special rewards to pick from, changing the book of Faerie forever more!

So choose your champion from the three bold heroes, and comment a name for them below! The most liked comment shall thus determine our champions title, provided it isn’t shudderingly offensive…

380 votes • Final results
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