Eight publishers are simultaneously crowdfunding TTRPG supplements in the same fantastic setting! The Purple Planet: Where mighty death worms rule the wastes, beastling tribes wage an endless war, befouled winds whistle through ancient crypts, and fungal forests flourish in the weirdling light. Where ancient technologies offer life... or a quick death. Will you and your companions stand as conquerors atop this alien land? Or will you fall beneath the blast of an ink black death ray, just another corpse left to litter the wastes of the Purple Planet?

Pledge for one project or all of them! Each project has its own stretch goals plus there are stretch goals that cross projects!
  • There are 8 unique Purple Planet bonus drop in encounters, 1 for each project you back!
  • Pledge for 3 or more projects for a free "purple planet 3d6" dice set!
  • Get to the top of the multi project backer leaderboard, or just get lucky, to have an anagram of your name appear as an NPC!
  • Bonus page of runic lore unlocked for each project, only if all Purple Planet projects are funded!
Purple Planet DCC Horde

Join the fun - Back Purple Planet DCC Horde projects to qualify for free rewards!

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Michael Curtis
4 days ago

Project Update: July Progress Update

Greetings, virtual backers!

As July heads towards a close (and we here at Goodman Games prepare frantically for Gen Con 2024), it's time to update you all on the status of this project. The "TL;DR" version is "Everything's great!" but here's the more detailed version.

Metamorphic is really cranking through the conversion process, proving they were the right ones to tackle it. We're getting close to the finish line at this point, with the beta testers trying their best to break everything and the Metamorphic team tidying up the core rules and Charactermancer. Work on converting the adventures over to Roll20 has begun now that the the main rulebook's VTT conversion is approaching completion. From the Goodman Games' standpoint, this has been the easiest crowdfunding project ever! We let the professionals do their job and they keep us in the loop as things progress smoothly.

We'll continue to keep you updated as we get closer to the finish line. As soon as things are finalized, we'll let you know. Thanks again for your support and we think you're all going to be really pleased with the end result!

The Caverns of Thracia Ends Tomorrow!

The Caverns of Thracia, our latest Backerkit project is less than 32 hour away from ending and the outpouring of support has been amazing! It's become out most successful crowdfunding project ever! We've blasted through 18 stretch goals, with the next one dead in our sights. If you've been waiting on this one, you're almost out of time. Get on board today for your chance to get bonus material, limited edition covers, great deals on bundle pledges, and more! Plus, stream our countdown show tomorrow on Twitch at 6 PM Eastern as we watch the clock run down...and possibly extended it longer if the backers keep flowing in!
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Do we know when the pledge manager phase will start?

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When the pledge opens, will there be a limited cover upgrade available?

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Horse Shark Games
23 days ago

Project Update: What's up with July & River of Lies?

Feeling it
I woke up this morning and I got out of bed. Had a big ol' cup of coffee to clear my head. Email pinging with finished maps! Everything's almost done and that is what is up with that! Ooo wee!

Yes. That's right. All the images for River of Lies are in. Big thanks to the artists for getting all those images done: Stefan Poag, Del Teigeler, Steven Gomez, Doug Kovacs, Brad McDevitt, Juan Ochoa, Jayna Pavlin, Colin Richards, Matt Sutton, Jon Wilson

Donn Stroud is hard at work on the bonus drop-in encounter and then I'll need a few more spots to finish those. 

Everything starts going to the printers very very soon. 

Bree yark, my horde. Bree yark!




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Studio 9 Games
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Survey Supreme! The Good news...

Hello Backers of the Purple Planet Horde!

Here is the good news: Soon you will get ONE SURVEY for your ALL your pledges to the PURPLE PLANET.

Because we are bundling the shipping to coordinate with all the other companies who created PURPLE PLANET materials, you will ONLY GET ONE SURVEY—to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them! ...well, at least to warehouse them all and in the shipment combine them.

Now for the great news: You get ONE, that's right, just ONE shipping fee for all your pledges to these PURPLE PLANET campaigns:
  • GOODMAN GAMES (Base Purple Planet materials), 
  • STUDIO 9 GAMES (Die Robot! and 101 Hex Encounters on the PP), 
  • High Dive Games (Random Acts of Violet), 
  • Horse Shark Games (River of Lies) 
  • Raorgen Games (Memories of the Purple Planet), 
  • Gaming Honors (O' Happy Dagger!), 
  • Purple Sorcerer Games (Wrath of the Orb-Men!)

When you get your survey, look for any upgrades or add-ons you wanted from the massive list connected to all the above campaigns. Enjoy the torrent of goodness you are about to witness—I apologize to your wallets ahead of time. There is a lot of awesome materials coming to help create a fantastic Purple Planet campaign or series of one-offs.

Finally, for the most great news: As far as I know, the target shipping date is still on target for this FALL 2024—and we only had to spellburn 2 Stamina to maintain that!

For the HORDE!
--Aaron Kreader
Studio 9 Games




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Michael Curtis
about 1 month ago

Project Update: June on the Purple Planet

Hello, Purple Horde!

It's late June and many parts of the US are hotter than the wastelands of the Purple Planet right now. That makes it the perfect time to hunker down in the dark confines of my office and write some words to keep all you fine Kithfolk up to date on Purple Planet progress,

In short, we're eagerly waiting for the printer's proofs of all the books and, while we don't have an exact date those will be in-hand, we're anticipating them shortly. As soon as we get them, we'll share them with you here so we can all "ooh and ahh" over them together. In the meantime, here's a look at Doug Kovac's limited-edition cover for Tome of Adventure #4; The Purple Planet. The printed book will be a debossed leatherette cover with three tones of foil. What you see here is Doug’s art with a rough mockup of the foil colors in place. The final version will of course be printed and glossy foil.

Limited Edition Cover of The Purple Planet

Pretty cool, huh?

We will hopefully have more news and proofs to show off to you next month, if not sooner. So keep your greenstones polished and your war banners flying until then.

The Caverns of Thracia Returns in Less than a Week!

Next week sees the launch of The Caverns of Thracia crowdfunding project on Backerkit and you'll want to be one of the first to pledge. The first 48-hour backers will receive an exclusive patch proclaiming you to be one of the "Founding Backers." That's in addition to the discounted pricing vs. commercial MSRP, exclusive stretch goals, and more available only through the Backerkit campaign. Click here to be notified when the campaign goes live in less than 7 days!
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Tim Sattley
about 1 month ago

Project Update: The Print Proofs Have Arrived

Behold! I have the print proofs for ALL content in hand. This includes the full 48 page publication, 3 drop-in adventures, the rune lore and a new playable Purple Planet race.

As expected, there are only some small changes and minor fixes that need to be addressed. I have also received the thumbs up from Goodman Games that the content meets the requirements as identified in my Third Party Publishers license.  We are one step closer to getting this all new Purple Planet content into your hot little hands.  

Also, I have talked with some of the other publishers and have figured out a way to send out the add-on digital content before the surveys go out.  Essentially, I will be sending out DTRPG download codes to the e-mail address you use for Backerkit.  For those of you who purchased some of my add-on adventure content (hard copy and digital) if you use a different e-mail address for DTRPG, please send me a message and I will make the adjustment.  This does not include the free pdf stretch goal. The free adventure pdf will have to wait until the survey so that you can make a choice of the one you want.

Game on!

Tim Sattley
High Dive Games





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Michael Curtis
about 2 months ago

Project Update: June Progress Update

Hello Virtual Rollers!

It's time to check in on how things are going with the DCC conversion to Roll20. Our friends at Metamorphic continue to be hard at work at the epic task of making all of DCC's numerous tables digital and doing the fine tuning behind the scenes to ensure everything is functioning as intended. The PC character sheets are coming together and Metamorphic shared some images of how things are proceeding. Let's take a look, shall we?

A zero-level PC sheet ready and waiting for your would-be adventurer. Note the pitchfork, so you know it's 0-level.

An example of a DCC cleric being created as the ability scores get plugged in.

Giving our cleric some protective chainmail armor and demonstrating how you can toggle it being equipped or not.

Now adding a magic sword as the cleric's weapon of choice. They must be a cleric of Klazath!

An example of the thief character sheet. Look at all those tasty skills and modifiers!

An example of the GUI for when it's time to roll for initiative.

An example of the GUI when it's time to start swinging some steel around.

Demonstrating how easy it is to change your action die from when you're bumped up and down the die chain.

All of this is looking great, but remember this is a work in progress and details might still change between now and when things are finished.

In related news, we've turned over the raw files of the seven DCC RPG adventures to be converted to Roll20 too this past week. Metamorphic is just about done converting the rulebook over to the Roll20 platform so they're eager to start work on those while the Charactermancer continues to be developed. As a reminder, those seven adventures are:

  • Sailors on the Starless Sea
  • Doom of the Savage Kings
  • People of the Pit
  • Emerald Enchanter
  • Croaking Fane
  • Neon Knights
  • Frozen in Time (the stretch goal adventure we added based on backer poll feedback)

Frankly, I can't wait to see how these adventures will look once we get all the art elements converted to Roll20. I expect they're are going to look pretty sweet when all is said and done.

That's it for this month, but Metamorphic will keep us in the loop as progress continues and we'll update you all again in about a month.

Caverns of Thracia and More Coming Next Month!

Many of you know that Caverns of Thracia is crowdfunding in July. But did you know that there's more than just Caverns of Thracia included in this Bacerkit campaign? We're happy to announce that another classic Jennell Jaquays adventure, Hellpits of Nightfang, will also be included! In addition, two all new adventures, one for DCC RPG and one for 5e, will also be offered as part of the Backerkit. Follow the project here for the early-backer rewards and to be notified when the campaign goes live! 




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Is the Deluxe Version of the Adventure Tome v4 gonna fit in the slipcase with the other normal 3?





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Tim Sattley
2 months ago

Project Update: Announcement: Anagram Name Winners!

Hello 'o members of the kith horde.  I have some exciting news today.

Drumroll please........

After consulting with the scrying stones of old and seeking guidance from the Oracle of Orm, I am happy to announce the Random Acts of Violet anagram name winners. In case you may have forgotten (it has been a little while since the campaign ended), multiple names were pulled at random from those actively engaged in any of the Purple Planet Backerkit conversations, as well as those who supported multiple horde projects. For my specific Horde project, I was given two names, which I used to create anagrams for two different NPC's within my Violet Valley setting. 

Let the heralds cry out the names of the winners along, with an abbreviated sneak peak at the characters they have become inside the Violet Valley.

Winner #1 Justin Davis: 
Visadis Jaunt
, aka Bag 'o Bones, the kith caster. A rather foul kith who leads a cult-like band of exiles. Some time ago, Visadis stumbled upon a unique item, giving him the casting powers of a 3rd level wizard. Always in search of ways to increase his power, feeding an oversized ego and propelling him in his quest to become the ascended master he believes himself to be. 

Winner #2 Jonathan Kurts: 
Strukan Nathoj
, the proud and honorable Kith Warlord, shamed in his exile from house Cotcyst. He spends his time in self-reflection and nomadic wandering. Strukan belongs to a sect of elite warriors known as the Bonekithkuka, and spent years mastering the task of crafting a legendary bone-chaku weapon. This self-defining task has instilled him with a zen-like persona not normally found amongst the kith. 

Congratulations to both winners! I hope you are excited to have your names go down into official Purple Planet Horde lore. I'm sure that this sneak peek may have left you with some additional questions, like: What is a bone-chaku? What is this Violet Valley you speak of? Who is the Oracle of Orm? Or what is this strange thing that has given Visadis his magical powers?

All this (and more) will be answered with the upcoming digital release of Random Acts of Violet. How you contend with these characters, issues and encounters is up to you and the adventurers at your table.

Thank you again for all of your support. 

Tim Sattley
High Dive Games




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