

Paint Eater
about 10 hours ago


Hey friends!

Reminder that surveys will lock on May 8th. That only leaves 1 WEEK left to complete it.Β 

The pre-order store also closes then.Β 

As of right now, only 86% of backers have completed their surveys. If you haven’t filled it out, NOW IS THE TIME!! It is incredibly important you get these done.Β 

If you cannot find your survey, please reply to this update so I can help you find it.Β 

Peace out

-Paint EaterΒ 





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6 days ago

Project Update: Bonus Pin, Errorred Pledges, Preorder Shop Open!

Hey Friends,

The campaign is over, but there's still much to do! I wanted to sit down and give a quick update on what's going on and what to expect:

There are currently 5 errored pledges.Β 
  • Check your emails from BackerKit for instructions on how to fix this if your pledge was one that has failed.Β 
  • You will not get your rewards if the funds do not clear so be sure to address this before May 2.

Bonus pin:
In the last update before the campaign ended, I opened up a poll to decide the next stretch goal design. The votes came in, and "Reading" was the winner!
poll results

Reading is my Happy place

While we didn't reach our second stretch goal funding, I've decided to make this pin design available as an Add-On/pre-order item that unlocks once 10 are ordered. :D

The Preorder Shop is now open!Β 
  • This is a shop for people who missed the campaign, feel free to share the link!Β 
  • All of the items in the preorder shop will be available as Add-Ons during the survey process for people who supported the BackerKit campaign.
  • Surveys for Backers will be coming in early May once campaign funds clear. (Important note about shipping: All shipping information will be collected via BackeKkit surveys. Your shipping charge will be calculated there too. Your shipping charge may vary depending on your location and the number of items you order.)

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Have a fantastic week!




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13 days ago

Project Update: Thank you Backers! And Preorder Store Now Open

The campaign has concluded! Thank you so much to everyone who followed, shared, pledged, and commented. We’re so grateful for your support, we couldn't have funded all these pins without you.

Backers can read the backers only section below for information on surveys and more.

The preorder store on Backerkit is now open if you missed the campaign. The preorder store will close in about three weeks on May 11.

If you missed the campaign, the preorder store is your last chance to get the pins and other items at discounted prices; and please note, you will not receive any campaign freebies. If you were waiting to preorder the fanart or recolor pins, now is your chance. Be sure to place your orders before the store closes!

If you're interested in updates but aren't a backer, consider following me on the social media platform of your choice. You can find links on Linktree. You can also follow the guest artists on their social media:

That's all I have for this update. Have a wonderful rest of your week!
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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13 days ago

Project Update: Bug plush keychains UPDATE + ita bag!

Hi everyone! We've got some pretty exciting updates for today!

First, we’ve got some new photos of the bug plush keychain samples! I’m honestly super happy with all three of these! There’s definitely a lot of improvement from the last versions. Only thing I’d maybe change, is the beetle’s head is a bit big in proportion to the body. (But maybe that just makes it look cuter though? Please let me know your thoughts!)

Next, the product photos are here for the glass frog ita bag!

We ordered the stock, and manufacturing has began for the ita bags.

The tree frog bag sample has also been completed! Here’s a quick look at that:

As for Beetle bags, lady bug coinpurses, and the original green frog bag… All three have completed manufacturing! They will soon start their 1 month journey overseas to us, and we will immediately begin shipment on the orders that we can! (If you ordered any of the other bags, manufacturing is still in progress, so shipment is still estimated to be September-October at the latest.)Β 
user avatar image for ChimeraBunny




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14 days ago

Project Update: The Final Countdown

Hello angel enthusiasts, we're nearing the end of the Angelology IV campaign, which will be ending tomorrow, Thursday April 18 at 1PM PST. Here is our final recap of pins we have funded so far, now including the Eldritch Saints and Angelology III recolors!

We have the Spiderverse pins left to fund. If these aren't funded by the end, they will be available to unlock in the survey/preorder store based on order quantity.

In advance of the campaign's end, make sure you have an accessible email associated with your Backerkit account. This is the email the Backerkit survey will be sent to, and you may miss out on the survey if you can’t access this email.

Additionally, please double-check your payment information is correct and valid, to avoid an errored payment.

Please remember that shipping will be charged after the campaign as part of the survey. Here are the shipping rates. Again, please be aware that you will need to pay these on top of your pledge amount.

  • United States $5
  • Mexico $17
  • Canada $17
  • Australia $21
  • UK $20
  • All other countries $21

If you miss the campaign, you can order the items from the Backerkit preorder store - though you will miss out on any pledge-specific freebies.

And if you haven't had a chance already, make sure to check out these other Pintopia campaigns!

That’s all for this update. As always let me know in the comments if you have any questions. I’ll see you all at the finish line!




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Paint Eater
14 days ago

Project Update: Bug candy shaker charm samples have arrived! Take a look :)

Hello fellow silly geese,

These past two weeks have been incredibly rough for me- I've been dealing with a broken garage door, ants in the basement, and a trip to the hospital. It's getting ridiculous, everything is going bad all at once 😭 The worst part imo is I can't even hold my own stylus to draw (among other issues with my silly body).

However, it is time to REJOICE.

For the BUG CANDY SHAKER KEYCHAIN samples hath arrived!!

What's your favorite part of this keychain's design? Thoughts?

I think they turned out really adorable! These definitely cheered me up when they arrived in the mail. They're very fun to shake around. And yes- 1 hypothetical serving of these DOES have 90g of protein >:)

Fun info- they're very sturdy, too! The plastic is very thick and durable.

The only issue with these I noticed is that the QR code I put on the back does not actually scan. Which is very upsetting to me, because the QR code is my favorite part of the design! It goes to a rickroll hehehe.

I may adjust its placement and color before these are shipped out to you! (I think probably since it's 1. warped due to being near the bottom, and 2. too light of a color, that it won't scan properly).Β 

That's about it for this update! Be sure to fill out your surveys before they close on May 8th. If you haven't received your survey, let me know and I can send it to you again!Β 
Bye for now πŸͺ²
user avatar image for Paint Eater




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18 days ago

Project Update: End of Week Three

Hello angel enthusiasts! It's the end of week three, time for our weekly recap. Here are all the pins that we have funded, now including the BG3 pins!

And our next funding goal is the Eldritch Saints recolors at $16K. Remember, if these are funded during the campaign, backers can pledge for them at the discounted price of $15 instead of the preorder price of $16-18. If we don't reach this goal, these designs will be available to unlock in the survey/preorder store based on order quantity per design.

And finally in campaign news, I finished the artwork for the freebie postcard! I tried something new and made it in a lineless style. For this piece I was inspired by the Chicxulub Asteroid, which caused the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event - aka. extinction of the dinosaurs.

Next week is the final week of the campaign, ending on Thursday, April 18. Backerkit will be sending out an automated reminder (if you've pledged to other Pintopia campaigns, be prepared for those), and I'll follow up with one last recap as well.

Looking Ahead

I thought I'd share a little bit of my crowdfunding plans. If you haven't heard already, my next campaign after Angelology IV will be Pride Angels, you can read about it on its pre-launch page. I'd like to launch it during June, which is Pride Month, but that might overlap with Angelology IV so I'll see how things go!

After that I'm not too sure what, if any, pin campaign I'll run next. I have two ideas but I'm trying to decide if it's better to self-fund a small amount of pins, open preorders or a pin club, or run crowdfunding campaigns instead. Since you all have backed this campaign I'm going to assume you like crowdfunding, but you can give your input in the comments. Or vote in the poll I published!

Anyway, my two ideas are:
  • Themed Monster Enamel Pins - monsters themed after different aesthetics such as Victorian Gothic, Rococo, Medieval, etc. If you saw my Cowboy and Film Noir Monsters pins, this campaign would be in the same vein as those, and those pins would be made available in new colors.
  • Blood and Holy Water - vampire and angel themed pins. I feel like there's shared imagery between vampires and angels and it would be neat to make pins for that. I'll be working on these during this year's Angeltober. (What is Angeltober you might be asking? It is my annual October art challenge themed after angels. You can find the previous prompts here: 2021, 2022, 2023)

Which idea sounds more appealing? Do you prefer crowdfunding or another method of funding pins? Let me know in the comments or this poll if you'd like :))

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!




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14 days ago

Project Update: 🚨 24 hours left! 🚨 + Stretch Goal Unlocked!!

WE DID IT! With 24 hours left in the Campaign, the pins are funded and the first stretch goal design is unlocked!!


(cutline not final)

Thank you all again for your amazing support during Pintopia, this has been an incredible experience and I'm forever grateful for each and every one of you.
Let's see if we can get another pin design unlocked before Pintopia ends tomorrow! Let's goooo!
8 votes β€’ Final results




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21 days ago

Project Update: Happy Wednesday!

Hello friends,

We are getting so close to funded! (I'm so nervous and excited all at once!)
I wanted to make a quick update regarding stretch goals, because I asked in a poll on Monday if y'all would be interested in a Skeletastic design that incorporates the moon, and the response was yes!Β 

So, we have to smash through that funding goal and the first locked design to open up voting for new art!!! <3

Please share this project with your friends or on social media, thank you so much!

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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Paint Eater
21 days ago

Project Update: All Surveys Sent Out! + Pre-Order Store is OPEN :)

Hello fellow silly geese! Thank so much for your patience.

I’m happy to announce that surveys have been sent to everyone who pledged!Β 

So be sure to check your email and fill that out! It’s really important that you do, because it collects vital info like your shipping address, charges shipping costs, and also (in my opinion, the most fun part) you get to choose what keychain you would like!

Surveys close May 8th, so you will have lots of time to fill those out or adjust anything.Β 


Another EPIC announcement:Β 

THE PRE-ORDER STORE is open for anyone who did not pledge! :0

Were you unable to back the campaign? Not to worry! You will be able to pre-order any of the items unlocked during the campaign in the PRE-ORDER STORE! Yippee!

You can check it out here! This store also closes on May 8th.Β 

That’s about it for this update! Thanks for reading. Up next, I have a shipment of the bug candy shaker keychains on its way, and I can’t wait to show you! So, stay tuned for some positively radical photos of those samples!
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