Success Stories

How GIR gained accurate fulfillment info to help ship on time.

Colorful kitchen tools that get it right.

GIR started with a simple mission: to revolutionize the spatula. It would be expertly designed with carefully chosen materials and an uncompromising focus on quality. That’s exactly what they created. After one successful Kickstarter campaign with mounds of data, GIR needed some backup to help manage all that valuable backer data. Enter BackerKit.

  • 7 campaigns used BackerKit
  • $850K raised in Kickstarter
  • 14,159 backers surveyed
  • 34% purchased BackerKit add-ons

There’s no such thing as too many product variations.

Some products just benefit from a wide variety of colors, sizes, and limited editions. GIR offers a handful of awesome products featuring a unique variety of color variations. They needed a way to keep track of their backers’ options and their final product counts. BackerKit’s robust backer survey allowed backers to make as many changes to their final order until they were marked for shipping. This provided GIR accurate product and color reports to share with their fulfillment service.

“BackerKit made it easy for us to export fulfillment info directly into the format required by our warehouse. It made the process nearly seamless.”

Shipping on a deadline doesn’t have to be stressful.

GIR wanted to ship in time for the Holidays and made that promise to thousands of their supporters. BackerKit enabled them to ship over 10,000 spatulas all around the world by the end of December.

“Delivering rewards on time is incredibly important to us, especially since both of our campaigns promised that rewards would arrive in time for the holidays. BackerKit was a huge part of fulfilling that promise — It was a total game-changer.”

Now, GIR not only has a handful of successful Kickstarter campaigns behind them, but also a full blown business on their hands! BackerKit has partnered with thousands of creators delivering to millions of backers—why risk doing it any other way when your time and reputation are on the line?

“We've tried it both ways—doing it by hand for our first campaign, and using BackerKit for our second. There's no way I would run another campaign without BackerKit. They're getting it right.”

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