Would you prefer more exclusive artwork, additional merchandise like stickers or keychains, different reward tiers or perhaps something entirely unexpected?
Your input will help us to shape this campaign into something truly special, so let us know your thoughts in the comments. (we will then investigate the idea and reply once we know if we can or can't implement your suggestion)
We can’t wait to hear your ideas!
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Hey can anyone confirm if these were shipped via courier or via mail? I suspect mail, as i'm in canada and canada post is on strike. but i want to make sure that is where it is stuck vs just lost. Thanks!
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
If there are further years of this, I would suggest pushing the schedule up a bit more. Not only would we typically want calendars in-hand to begin the new year, but these could make good Christmas gifts in some cases if they are received with enough time to then turn around and get them to friends.
Just received my book yesterday and I couldn't be happier how it turned out. I started following you on twitter years ago after seeing an illustration of yours. Amazing work, the book is gorgeous!!
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
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Just got my calendars today I love them they’re very nice. Just one piece of feedback they were just shipped with an address label stuck right on the plastic.so it wasn’t in an envelope or anything like. Has been in the past. That’d normally be fine but it ruined the surprise as one of them was a gift for someone I live with. And they saw it the moment they got the mail. If they get shipped that way maybe next year there could be an option to hide it in an envelope on shipping. I wouldn’t mind if it cost a little more for that. Or a heads up if it’s being shipped without a package to hide it so I can get a PO Box or figure something out. Just a request for next time! Thank you for the calendars!
Hi, I received the book today. It looks fantastic, even on a grey November evening. The multi-coloured pages probably look even better on a clear sunny day. I'm just amazed at how good the finished book looks. Best regards
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I have a question about the "Limited Edition - 78 Tarot 10th Anniversary Deck - Celebration of Global Tarot Art" kit I backed back in spring. Who can I message? I just found a message that was buried & I missed it.
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
Any update on when the pledge manager and ability to add on will come out?