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Steve Jackson Games
1 day ago

Project Update: Another Munchkin Big Box Goal!


We’ve just unlocked the most recent stretch goal, and now all backers of this campaign will receive a Loaded Deck to go along with their Loaded Die. Combined, the Loaded Deck and Die will provide an interesting twist to your next game of Munchkin. We’re excited to get them in your hands! 

We know that you’re itching to learn about the next stretch goal, and we have two nice surprises. When we unlock the next stretch goal at $900,000, each backer will get Kovalic’s Munchkin Miscellany, a book of Munchkin art that many of you have never seen, from full-color rarities to never used black and white sketches. 

We’re also pleased to announce that John has asked to curate the project himself. He plans to rummage through all of his many files to share some of his favorites, along with his own commentary on the illustrations. We’re excited to work with John to bring this project together and look forward to sharing it with backers as an exclusive for supporting Munchkin Big Box

We’ve come a long way since we launched on April 18, and we just need a little bit more to hit this latest milestone. Keep sharing Munchkin Big Box with your family and friends, and encourage them to pledge. Then encourage them to share with friends, and with their friends, and with . . . you get the idea.

Thank you for your support!
Help us unlock our next stretch goal, an art book curated by John Kovalic!
Goal: $827,805.75 / $900,000
We need $72,194.25 more to reach this goal.




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Steve Jackson Games
3 days ago

Project Update: A deeper look at Munchkin Bosses!

Hello everyone!

Last week, we explored Steve and John’s favorites from the 50 all-new cards found only in Munchkin Big Box. This week, we will be sharing some of the new art from Munchkin Bosses, a mini-expansion developed to make monsters more challenging than ever before. 

When I asked John which card he remembers the most from Bosses, he didn’t come back with a card, but the card back! Here is what he had to say:

“Honestly, my favorite here is the card back for the set - the Bullrog sitting at its desk.” 

The Bullrog

We think you'll be excited to see the rest of John’s illustrations on the Bosses cards!

Diabolical and Weak Sauce Boss

I also had a chance to catch up with Devin Lewis. If you don’t know Devin, he has been helping design and add the humor you know and love to Munchkin for over 10 years. Devin worked closely with Andrew Hackard in the early stages of designing Bosses, and here is what he had to share about designing this expansion. 

"I initially pitched Andrew to make a set of really high-level monsters – something like The Biggest Squid Ever and Chicken on Your Planet, which are truly terrible names I made up on the spot. He didn’t immediately hate the idea, which was very Andrew of him, so we got into the details of how it would work and why I thought it was necessary as well as a good addition to the game. 

"We went back and forth for a week or two and settled on ideas that would eventually end up in Bosses. The base concept wasn’t new – we had a boss monster fight as part of Munchkin Quest, which meant we didn’t have to reinvent the huge, angry wheel. We just had to adapt it, which Andrew did quite handily. 

"I very much wanted you to have to fight a boss to win. Getting to level 10 wouldn’t have been enough, but that was just Munchkin Quest over again, so we didn’t do that. What we did do, however, was make a great little addition to the game, and we did it in such a way that it can easily be added to any Munchkin set and still function without adding "wrong" monsters."

Tell us on social media if you win the game by killing the boss! 

Eeeeeeevil, You're a Boss!, and You're A Megaboss!

Think you're munchkin enough to take on the boss monsters? Prove it with Munchkin Bosses!

- Darryll





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Lilly (IV Studio)
3 days ago

Project Update: Production Updates and then some 💁‍♀️

Well, well, well. Here we are again.

This update will be short and sweet, just like Austin 🧁
(Please check on Lilly's wellbeing in 24 hrs for this joke, kinda kidding 🤪).

Anyways, we are still waiting on the manufacturer to send us the pre-production copy (PPC) to approve for mass production to begin.

What the IV team looked like all April.

We did receive some parts of the PPC, which include the cards, so to satiate some of your curiosity, here is a quick peek at those components! 😊

Ooh shiny ✨ The holofoil looks even better in person!
Here are some Intrepid cards, featuring the special S4-LADCAT! ;)

We're really hoping to receive a full copy by our next monthly update, but if you want the latest updates, our Instagram and Discord communities hear all the news first!

Like the fact that we are launching another campaign TODAY!

We're reprinting the Fractured Sky Deluxe and Super Deluxe games in French and German, as well as introducing a new micro expansion called Rift. If you're curious, you can watch the 2 minute How to Play Rift video below and we'll also be livestreaming while answering your questions! 

See you there! :) 





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Jordan Miller
1 day ago

Project Update: May 2024 - Pledge Manager Launching

Hi There

It's here, this is the update you've been waiting for. We want to thank everyone again for sticking with us, it's been a tough couple of years but things are finally moving. In this update we're going to hit you with a lot of things. Some life updates, we'll talk about the pledge manager, and finally, an update on the current production timeline.

Life Updates

As you may or many not know, two of our partners had major traumas during this campaign.  Adam, our CEO, and Rob, our Head of Development, both lost their homes to house fires nearly 2 years ago.  We're happy to let you all know that this last month both of them are finally now back in their rebuilt homes and out of temporary housing.  It's been a hard journey for both of them, which has had a profound effect on XYZ that we were not prepared for.

Good news here is: They're back and their lives are now returning to whatever normal is for them. We're so grateful.

Pledge Manager and Exciting News!

As of the publishing of this update, the pledge manager is ready to go, we are just going through the final review and smoke testing before our pledge manager is approved.  Please bear with us for a couple days while we complete the review.

ArchRavels now has sleeves!  

We've partnered with the wonderful folks at Game Trayz to offer some of their products directly in the AR: Magic Socks - Pledge Manager. We're starting with a full set of sleeves, this bundle will contain every sleeve you need to protect your ArchRavels Cards. That's Right! Just one set of sleeves will cover you even if you own everything ArchRavels.  We're also providing organization trays to store all your bits while you play. This initial offering is just the first step in what we are sure will be an exciting partnership going forward. You can expect many more awesome things from XYZ & Game Trayz in the future!

Production and New Timelines

In a previous production update we laid out that we would be producing and shipping things in two batches: Magic Socks & Theme Packs first, then Rivals + Awards Season. That plan is not changing.

So, we proceeded with that plan in mind! This meant doing the final passes on Magic Socks/Theme Packs for production submission while we were also finishing up the development & layout for RIVALS/Awards Season.

To be perfectly honest: We underestimated the time & effort that we would need to put into both of these tasks given our currently available staff. Due to the aforementioned life events and the fact that XYZ is, and always has been, 6 passionate people dedicating their time to Invent New Gamers; our personal lives have a huge impact on our organization. We are sorry things have been delayed, we are doing what we can to get things moving smoothly again.
Here's what's happening now:  We're still planning on delivering in two batches.  But, we've shifted focus to preparing the first batch & getting it into production.  As of now Magic Socks and all the Theme Packs have been prepared and sent to the printer. We've begun the production proofing process.  We're now targeting Gen Con 2024 as the wide release date of Magic Socks and the Theme Packs.

With the uncertainty of the supply chain and international shipping, as of this moment we cannot promise that the games will be in our hands before we leave for Gen Con, we however can promise this:

"We will not offer Magic Socks for Sale at Gen Con until pledges are shipped and on their way to backers.  If we do have Magic Socks in hand at Gen Con, any backers who attend Gen Con will be able to pick up their pledges from us in person."

One more time, we will not be offering Magic Socks for sale at Gen Con if backers pledges have not shipped. We'll have more information in the months leading up to Gen Con if it seems we'll be able to offer Gen Con pickup. And if so, then we'll establish a process for people to sign up at that time.

Here's some updated Production Status Graphics.

So What's Next?

Over the next few weeks we will begin the proofing and mass production phase with Whatz Games, our manufacturer. We'll share content along the way.

So that's it for now, we will be posting another update as soon as we have confirmation from Backerkit that the pledge manager is approved, at that time surveys will go out.

Thank you again for your continued support.

Stay Crafty

Team XYZ

user avatar image for Jordan Miller




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Manda Shafer
1 day ago

Project Update: Files are at the printers

Hi all-
All the files were delivered to the printers today. It'll take a few weeks for them to set it all up. Next, I'll be sent a proof. This will let me check that all the cards are set correctly and things like the plastic cards line up correctly.  

Once all the files are approved, it should take around seven weeks to manufacture. From there, it'll spend another six to eight weeks on a ship getting to the US. Once I know they are shipping, I will send out the backer survey that will let you tell me your shipping address, pay for shipping, and include any add ons. 

I plan to get the print and play files completed in the next few weeks and send those to backers. Also, anyone who backed in the first 48 hours will be receiving their secret communique from The Establishment.

So lots of great things to look forward to. Thank you again for helping make this a reality!




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Jordan Miller
4 days ago

Project Update: WTF XYZ, Are you ghosting us? Update (Full Update coming Wednesday)

We are not Ghosting you.

Hi all, Jordan from XYZ Game Labs here.  I'm the Chief Operating Officer and I'm posting this update to let you know that we do hear you and we know there is a lot of uncertainty and concerns about the project.

The biggest concern is the Pledge Manager.  You probably know by now that we missed our March 1st deadline.  There is not a problem and you did not miss it, we did.

We know that a lot of you have been feeling ghosted.  We're sorry, that was not our intention  The fact is that up until now we've been short staffed and doing our best, and we've missed the mark.

We want to thank you for your patience and thank those of you who reached out.  The Pledge Manager will be launched this Wednesday, May 1st.  Along with that, we're preparing an update that will be published the moment the pledge manager is live and we'll share all the details you need to know along with what is happening next.

Please sit tight and we will have all the information you're looking for on Wednesday.

Thanks again for your support.

Jordan Miller
Chief Operating Officer
XYZ Game Labs
user avatar image for Jordan Miller




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Easy Roller Dice Co.
1 day ago

Project Update: Pine Fire & Ice Dice Boxes Now Added As Add-Ons!

Hey backer!

We just wanted to let you know that we now have Pine Dice Boxes added as an add-on.  We can only make 40 total of these boxes, so they are on a first-come, first-serve basis.  

These samples are straight off of the machine so don't mind the messy background.  

There is no extra shipping cost to add these, and it's $30 per box. 

Each box also features a 7-piece insert that can be removed if needed.

If you want to get a design of each just add 2 boxes in the add-on area.  Also,  you will select which design(s) you want during the survey time at the end of the campaign.


-Easy Roller Dice Team





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Steve Jackson Games
10 days ago

Project Update: 50 All-New Cards Exclusive to Munchkin Big Box - Let's Talk About A Few!

​Hey everyone!

We asked both Steve and John about what they most enjoyed while working on the 50 brand-new cards in the Munchkin Big Box.

Wouldn’t you know it, they had different answers! 

One new card immediately came to mind for John. “Two-Handed Axe literally made me snort-laugh, when I was looking through the cards just now,” he said. “It’s not my favorite drawing – let’s go with Orangutangle or Hold Everything for that – but a reminder of how much I enjoy any chance I get to work with Steve on a set. Just a delightfully twisted card that only he could come up with.” 

John said that even after drawing more than 7,500 cards over 25 years, "Munchkin remains a joy and a privilege to illustrate.”

Steve said, “I was tasked to write 50 brand new cards for John to illustrate. That was a chore, but the best kind. Of those 50, to just pick a few . . .

  • Cthoo-Loo – This was a present for John. He loves drawing Cthulhu and he loves drawing toilets. There you go!

  • Palindromedary - Just because it’s so stupid.

  • Cimim - Why has no one ever done this before?

  • Named - Just to add a bit of metagame!”

Both Steve and John have a lot of fun with Munchkin even after so many years, and it shows. We can’t wait for you to see the rest of the 50 new cards in their full glory when the Munchkin Big Box arrives at your door.

Did you know that John stopped by on launch day to celebrate and answer some questions on our live stream? Check it out!

Thank you!

- Darryll




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Asmadi Games - Chris
3 days ago

Project Update: Proofreading

We are starting to share files for external proofreading, if folks are interested!

You can sign up at the form here: - sharing will happen via Google Drive. 

Please send feedback directly to me, at [email protected].  If you know me personally, you can send a discord DM. 

I am personally in the midst of a move, which will be done in the next couple weeks. We're wrapping up work on files in the meantime! As they're completed, they'll be shared with proofreaders, and we'll be posting normal updates in May as things go to press. 
user avatar image for Asmadi Games - Chris




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Chant (Hollows Producer)
1 day ago

Project Update: No Stream Tonight. But...

If you just got a notification that we're streaming tonight... alas, we are not, due to ill health.

But if you were interested in catching a stream and seeing some Hollows in action, you can check out the pilot episode of Hollows Fight Club on YouTube. It's a little bit rough and ready, rather like the average Hunter, but it's a taste of what's to come! 

We will be streaming regularly in the run-up to Hollows launching though, so watch this space. 

- Chant, Hollows Producer




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